Gorillas? or Guerillas?

 o/This week's diversion...Fittingly, the squad leader Joe Kaero's armor is more impressive looking (though not anymore effective).These guys were hard to photograph as they blend well with both the siding of my house, and as you can see the mulch around it.Their...

The rearmed Sub-Commander Firestorm

 o/For The Greater Good!Following the debacle of my last game (see previous post), I'm looking for ways to up-gun my Tau. This is however hampered by the fact that our house in Tennessee hasn't sold yet leaving us with two homes to pay for, meaning no new toys...

Tau vs. Demiurg battle report

When shipments of ores from the Appalachian Subsector came to an inexplicable halt, Water and Merchant caste delegates were dispatched via the next available transport to ascertain the problem. When those envoys also failed to return, the Tau sent a Merchant class...

An Imperial Scout Disk Trooper

o/No one questioned his willingness to take all of those solitary, perimeter foot patrols on the forest moon of Endor...This post with be a short but fun one! A few months ago, while still living in Tennessee, I picked up a squad of Imperial Scout troopers for Star...