"Coming down and beware,
the Imperial fists,
straight Mother@#%ers,
there killers in the mist"
That is a edited quote from some rap song that I knew in my youth.  While I have had the last two months off of work, with one more to go, I have been doing quite a bit of painting.  The two boys below are going to supplement my old Imperial Fist army that now haunts the state of Missouri.  There are many more plans for the expansion of the Imperial Fists' !st company! 
Now on to my personal 40k endeavours...  Before I get to bogged down with another apartment renovation and commission,  I have been trying to finish as much of my chaos army as possible.  The guys below are used as my thunderwolf cavalry when I decide to play the Space Wolves codex.  One of the greatest thing about my army is that I can use it for several different codex's.   Whenever I grow tired of playing one book, I pull the ol swich-a-roo and bamm, instant pointless criticism from bithces who waste their money on more than one power armour army.  That being said,  I have more than one power armour army and I wish that I had rolled those Deathwing Terminators of mine into this chaos army.  Tsk, Tsk... shame on me, deep deep shame! ;) 

I have never shied, away from airing my humiliating laundry in public.  I have not won a single game of 6th edition 40K.  I am now a little over 10 games in with some fun surely had, but no victories.  Im  playing again tonight so another chance for glory, and defeat!
Ive absolutely loved the last couple of months of paternity leave.  My advice to anyone who should listen.  Take the time to be with your children, you cant get the time back.  F#ck work!!!!!!!!!!