This week was a very productive one in regards to the hobby.  Not only have I managed to finally finish the Hab Block terrain piece, but I've also finally completed my newest Librarian conversion.  As I mentioned previously, this model will represent Master Librarian Vel’cona for the purposes of ‘Forging a Narrative’ in my games.  Rules-wise, I'll be using a Forgeworld special character by the name of Magister Sevrin Loth, whose rules can be found in Imperial Armour 9 – The Badab War Part 1.


With Vel’cona completed, I'm at a slight loss as to what project I should move onto next.  I'm inclined to continue my work on the Sternguard Veterans, if only to finish the first 5.  Or perhaps I'll continue my work on the unit filler for my Warriors of Chaos army.  More than likely I'll do a bit of both (hmmmm.... sensing a theme here).  With this guy finished, my resolution tracker looks a bit like this:

Miniatures Purchased: 8
Miniatures Painted: 42
Points of Painted Salamanders: 700 pts

Catch you all later
