BMG: Playing Catch-up (Pt 2)

Hooo-boy!  Now that I’m actually writing again, I’m super keen to get it all written up and ‘out into the wild’ as it were.  As I mentioned in part 1 of this series, the Long Halloween event was split into 2 events – one at the end of October and one at the beginning...

BMG: Playing Catch-up (Pt. 1)

Hey all!  Long time no see eh?  There’s been a lot of things going on hobby-wise for us here at the Triple Helix Project, so much that I’m kinda at a loss about where to begin.  As a means of making things easy, I’ve decided to start by doing a couple of write-ups...

BMG Update: Sidekick Pre-Season Training Session

Hey there everyone!! After a brief absence, I'm back behind the keyboard, once again intent on bringing you updates of my hobby projects and stories of my gaming adventures.  As might be fitting for my return, this article intends to do a bit of both...Want to...

BMG Update – Are you Ready to Rumble???

With our second BMG League continuing apace, I decided it was prime time to organise and host a Batman Tournament at the end of June.  With just over a month until the big day, getting everything organised ahead of time would be paramount to its success.  Without...

Gotham City Streets Mk II – Weathering

While the construction of my latest Gotham table continued, I decided to try my hand at implementing two more elements to the table – Stamped concrete pavementWeathered ConcreteAfter all the work that was put into the constructionprocess and the painting, it seemed...