So it's a new year. Holiday bullshit is over. Move is (mostly) done. Football season winding down. Time to jump back into the hobby with both feet and get my shit done for the BAO!
Still plan on going, depending on how the cash goes. I can't do 100% for sure yet.
1750pts. Book missions. 7 games in 2 days. Weeeee!
Anyway on to the list:
Primary Detachment:
HQ (90): Big Mek: KFF, Bosspole
Troop (200): 25 Shoota boys, 2x big shoota, Nob with powerklaw and bosspole
Troop (235): 30 Shoota boys, 3x Big shoota, Nob with powerklaw and bosspole
Troop (195): 30 Shoota boys, 3x Big shoota
Elite (150): 10 Lootas
Elite (150): 10 Lootas
Elite (150): 10 Lootas
Fast Attack (130): 3x Deffkoptas, 1x Buzzsaw
Heavy (84): 3x Lobba, 3x ammo runts
Fortification: Aegis defense line; quad gun
Allied Detachment:
HQ (76): Shas'el; TL Missile pod, Blacksun filter, hard-wired target lock
Troop (60): 6x Firewarriors
Heavy (160): 2x XV88, 2x targeting array
1750 exactly
I am going to try to paint up new Tau units to match my Ork army instead of just taking what I have. Time and money may get in the way.
I have a lot of nit-picky stuff to do, like paint 23 sets of arms. Time to get working!
I’m baaaackkk..Road to the Bay Area Open
by Sorien | Jan 11, 2013