Beastboss on Calico Squigosaur

 Hey I finished a model! Hey I remembered this blog exists!  There are so many social media outlets it's hard to remember everything lol.Anyway I tried and failed a grey squig a few months ago and haven't been able to figure out what I wanted to do. Well I...

First new list of 9th, Evil Sunz

Ya I've been way out of the loop for months. Not being able to play at all due to the pandemic has killed my enthusiasm for the hobby.  Plus building and painting an entire 3k army lol.So now the local club is opening again, slowly with limited capacity, so I...

Blue Ork Goff list

Planning on making an army to sell out of my new models.I don't want to invest much more so I'm limited to what I have.The main thing that is missing is Mek Gunz.  If I can get some printed I'll add them in later.Right now I plan on added a Deffkilla Wartrike and...

Third edition stormboyz

Stay home orders have me looking for projects.  I've had these models sitting on the table for a while, after stripping. Plus I had a brand new set I bought about a year ago.I had bought Kromlech punk heads but they are too big for the boys.  I did another...