Oh boy. 10 weeks to AdeptiCon 2013. This will be my fourth, and my third as a genuine participant. This year is pushing all boundaries for me, and I am, quite frankly, at my threshold. It’s intense.

But first I should mention that it took a letter from an old friend over at Warhammer 39,999 (Thank you very much for your kindness and support, Rob!) to shake me out of some kind of stupor under which I’ve been suffering for, well, some time now really. The blog has been neglected. I think part of the aforementioned funk stems from the very simple fact that I am not able to discuss at any length most of what I have been working on lately, and I have been working. Believe you me. Working.

But back to AdpetiCon: Here is a taste of what I CAN tell you about.

AdeptiCon Tables x13. Last year, I thought we were pushing the boat out pretty far with 10 3x3 tables. That’s nothing. Although Special Operations: Killzone will not be making an appearance this year, I am still making a boatload of tables for the weekend. Not sure how that happened exactly, but there it is.

In sum, I will be creating 5 3x3 table for Wreck Age: The Battle for TenPike. As ever, the tables will be linked in order to tell the tale of one modest but contentious town in the Resurgence. This is going to be great fun, and very much in the vein of previous efforts. I have some more Hyacinth news coming up here in the coming days. Stay tuned.

Of course, it doesn’t end there. I will also be creating 8 4x4 tables for the Zone Mortalis: The Sin of Alacrity II event. I cannot prove this and will never try to do so, but I have always felt that Zone Mortalis was… inspired… in large part by our efforts with Killzone in some capacity. And so it seemed a natural (but nevertheless conflicting) transition when I was asked to fill the light-hearted void in the AdeptiCon lineup.

As importantly, my decision was informed by my very sincere and profound desire to revisit the Sin of Alacrity.Yes. She’s back! Longtime readers might remember the original Sin of Alacrity from days of yore, and specifically the giveaway that saw her raffled off to pay for the first grand adventure in table-making. Apart from confirmation of receipt, I have never heard word from the fellow that won it. Shame that. And to be candid, I miss that old monstrosity. So what better excuse to create a bigger (far, far bigger), and one hopes better, version Just and FYI: I am making 8 and only intend to keep 2. That means there will be 6 of these tables for sale at AdeptiCon this year.

Enough? Not nearly. I have also committed to participation in two events in-and-around the AdeptiCon weekend.

The first, and more ambitious, is a Badab staff event that will be pressing the Alacrity into double duty. For this event, notable staff contributors and other sundry individuals will each create 1000 points of Badab themed forces. I knew nothing about Badab except that the conflict involved someone named Huron before committing to the project (this happens to me a lot, you might know). Perhaps because of the aforementioned void in my knowledge, I selected from thin air a chapter known as the Star Phantoms. (???) No. Seriously. Now I’ve got to conjure 1000 points of Star Phantoms (???) from thin air. More on them soon.

The second project continues my first modest foray into competitive gaming from last year, but takes that sojourn in an entirely new direction. This year, I will be competing in the March to Mount Doom Madness bracket tournament Thursday night. Yes. LotR… or the Hobbit I suppose. I have not played a game in years, and intend to make a brand new force for this event just because.

I only just saw the new film last weekend. I had low expectations but came away delighted. Currently, I am thinking that my 500 points will be from Mordor… anyone out there know anything about the meta in that game? Is there meta in that game? Would the selection of Mordor be complete folly?

So. 10 weeks to get to grips with all that. And I have a full-time job. And I’m still working with Hyacinth Games (more on that next post). And wife. And children. Dog. etc. It’s going to be a busy season.