Everyone else was though...

Last Saturday night's night of gaming descended into the madness of an impromptu 7k point Apocalypse game. No actual rules for Apoc. were used, however once you pass a certain point limit, it simply becomes an apocalypse game by default.

I fielded my Storm Wardens and also on my side of the table were RTVoril and the Cabal of the Black Primer, Hive Angel and his Headless Horsem...ermm...Blood Angels & Saint (in his battlefield debut with our group) wiv da boyz! Opposing this mindboggling alliance was the accursed enemy forces of Kushial fielding no less than 5500 points of his Lions of Harlech space marines! Supporting him was my trusty side kick, Screech and his Thousand Sons (of Bitches). Neverness showed up late, and watched with amusement and later provided us all sustenance with a little Caesar's peperoni pizza! 

Hive Angel has the most detailed report of this particular menagerie, which you'll find here, Neverness also has a photo recap here. I'm going to follow his lead with a photo dump of my own along with captions of my random thoughts on the game.

My Storm Wardens hunker down in the trenches.

Headless marines? One guess who these belong to...

Saint preparin' da boyz' for a propa krumpin' of da kaos beakies!

Left to right: Hive Angel, Rogue Trader Voril, Screech and Kushial.

The Lion's of Harlech begin their Armored advance...

Our first 'Oh shit!' moment of the night...

GOFFS!!! So rare to see Orks with checkers these days.

Ugh, they look even scarier from this angle...

My ever popular 'roadblock' maneuver, which ended rather badly for me...

Covering my ill-fated advance. 'Remember boys, the xenos are on our side.'

My combat squad of Devastators in the forward trench has already been wiped out.

There's more money on this table than I paid for my first car...

Da fighta arrives!

The Lions prepare to clear us from the center objective (and did so easily).

Dun da da DA da, Dun da da DA da...

If only there were a pilot in that cockpit. Note: Screech's expertly camouflaged Thousand Sons (of bitches) inside that building.

...and this is where the madness ended as it was rather late and time to go.