TRON Tau! No Quorra though, sad face. |
It was a weekend of 40k team gaming apparently. Saturday night saw my Storm Wardens and IG and Hive Angel's BA team up against Screech's dual force org of Thousand Sons (of Bitches) and the IG. Hammer and anvil, the new version of the old 'auto-tie' mission (I forget the name of it). Early on, it seemed we were crushing him. However his stubborn refusal to just lay down and die, resulted in him doggedly fighting back towards the end. We still won, but the margin of victory points was a mere 2 points as I recall.
Well played sir.
Sunday in Morristown, was a 2v2 set up with 1k per player. with 6 people, everyone got to play everyone, and my 'team' (I'll get to that shortly) had a record of: bye-win-loss. With RTVoril's Vanilla Marines and Jeremy's Tron Tau winning out overall.
Rolling off into teams, i got paired up with the most hated of my foes (just scroll down till you see the rant that starts with those words in all bold and underlined). Of course, that did mean I wouldn't have to play against him which is sort of compensation I guess. Better yet as expected (and much to my amusement) our first game was vs his teamed up brothers who both pointed and yelled: 'Get Him!' lol, I did take a fair beating though as well.
In the Grim Darkness of the Future, Newark International Airport is still an overcrowded mess... |
We played the Emperor's Will with my Fluffy Bunny Storm Warden's and his LAAC (Lose-At-All-Costs) IG, vs. the BA and DA (Christmas marines!). Due to objectives, we pulled this one out as my shotgun scouts showed up on the right side of the table and grabbed the 4vp objective unopposed. Due in large part to these kids love of drop pods and flyers. The Nephilim flying by to strafe my predator was the closest those scouts came to harm. Meanwhile Telion tried his best (but ultimately failed) to cause an aerial disaster from the control tower...
You know Telion was saying: What the fuck? |
Third round was vs. Jeremy & RTVoril, was fun but due to time cut short. No pictures, and we lost. However this time, they vowed to come after me as I was the 'real threat'. However my idiot teammate was all to happy to charge forward in a few stupid maneuvers with questionable terrain rolls (that none of us saw) to piss them off enough to bear the brunt of the damage.
All in all, it was fun and also Chicken:30, though Jeremy skipped out as it was apparently Booty:30 for him, lol.