Quick update tonight on the Zone Mortalis tables. It has been a long week already, but I have been diligently pushing onward, upward.


First, rather obviously, FW’s own Zone Mortalis interior efforts stand out significantly. For that measure, I have taken the liberty of mimicking both the modular disposition and the fundamental shapes found in their line. You can see the basics here.

Second, I have been asked to make 8 4x4 tables. That is 128 square feet to you and me. Pure. Hobby. Glory. I intend to make these modular efforts as a nod to FW’s brilliance (which is really unparalleled, in my opinion) while also striking the delicate balance between unbridled ambition and feasibility.

While I generally avoid the stuff, some maths will be helpful here by way of illustration. Currently, I note that FW is selling 1 square foot (and one basic shape) for 25 GBP. That converts to about 37 Dollars per piece. So. At 128 square feet these tables would cost at least 4,736 Dollars (cough) if I were to place some extraordinary order with our fine cousins from across the pond. I said minimum deliberately. 1 shape per square foot might make a rather sparse table, so there would be more. Always more –which really should be FW’s motto.

These tables will come in at significantly less than 25% of that sum. 8 tables. They might not be as blindingly spectacular as FW, but I intend to compensate in other capacities. Watch here for details.

Third, I am mining my old tables for inspiration and for the aforementioned compensation. If I can find a happy medium between FW and my own much-missed Sin of Alacrity, I will consider the job a good one.

Last, It has been quite cold and snowy here in Chicago. So as best I am able, I have moved the operations from the unheated garage indoors to my basement of nerd glory. So far. So good.