Last night, once again, my gaming plans fell through, so instead Andrew, Loy and I chatted on Hangout while doing some hobby stuff.  I’ll talk about the Ogres I desprued another time, but today I’ve got the second Dead Doxy to show off:


Like the other one, her quality isn’t as high as some of my other paintjobs recently, but she’s decent and ready for the table.  I’d like to crank out the last Resurrectionist model I have, Mortimer, so I can finally say I’ve got a fully-painted Resurrectionist crew.  Even though I still want to repaint the original Redchapel starter, but that’s another story.

So this Dead Doxy got a pretty basic paintjob as well.  (P3) Thamar Black, (P3) Thrall Flesh, (P3) Beaten Purple, (P3) Skorne Red, (P3) Khador Red Base, (P3) Trollblood Highlight, (P3) Bloodtracker Brown and a wash of (GW) Seraphim Sepia.  No special techniques, just a basic paintjob.  She doesn’t need to be flashy…she’s dead.

I was thinking of finishing up Mortimer next, and I may, but last night’s despruing of Ogres got me in the mood to get more of them clipped and ready to build.  It’s hard to build them because the Tamiya glue I use has a strong odour and my wife can smell it as soon as I open the bottle…on a different floor of the house!  So I might get a bunch of guys ready to glue and just have at it one night, or morning if she’s not going to be home much.  I’ll make it work.

My next post should be a Workbench Update, but don’t hold me to it.  I’ll have something up soon, though.

Thanks for reading.