Yes folks, my record of losing mini games to women continues on

Anyways, my GF has been wanting to play a game after Murl came over and explained the rules as he and I played a game some weeks back. Murl's really good at explaining things as he owns a fast food restaurant, and his many years of teaching the continuous stream of new employees how to do their jobs.

The battlefield and opposing forces.

So, i set up a half sized battlefield, with 750 points of Storm Wardens (my side) to fight an equal sized army of The Purge (her side). She finds marines of anything other than the chaos variety totally unappealing, so CSMs seemed to be the easiest faction to start her off with (she really likes Tau, however I only have 2 Tau models).

 No scenario, just a straight up 'kill each other' game. Dawn of war deployment (w/o night fight, to keep it simple). Her warlord got Hatred incarnate (and every other form of hatred that is available on the chaos boons table as the game wore on), and mine got outflank. Again, for simplicity, i just had him run with the shotgun scouts who were already going to outflank.

And what follows is my usual post battle photo dump with occasional highlights and commentary:

Checking line of sight for the predator hidden in that ruin..

Turn one started of uneventfully aside from both sides closing quickly.

'Her Majesty' looking as neglected as she can while at the same time, remaining as comfortable as was possible. Needless to say, her efforts to make us feel guilty for playing 40k instead of with her didn't work...

The 'enemy' enjoys having scored first blood via my rhino.

A no-frills combat squad of tactical marines really shouldn't engage Plague marines in close combat...

My flanking maneuver stalls and summarily fails as Captain 'I killed Draigo's' power sword is all but useless vs. Miasmos' termie armor. The scouts meanwhile were wading thru cultists with mixed results.

The scout sergeant fought to the end, but his cause was lost.

After the loss of my predator, the last Storm Warden survivors contemplate their demise...

...and as you can see, this was their demise!
...and uh, yeah. That was that, tabled on turn 7. Still was fun a fun game and towards the end she seemed to have a good handle on the rules. The quote of the night was 'next time I'm bringing my dice'.

Yup, she's a gamer!