Several posts back, I mentioned (with some chagrin) that after the original Sin of Alacrity raffle-giveaway I had never heard another word from the fellow (in Ohio I believe) who had won.
Well, I still haven’t hear from him.
But Who cares. Soon after that post Bill (the extraordinary fellow who donated to Doctors Without Borders and took home the best two of the four Heroes of Armageddon tables) wrote me with a very kind note and with these fine photos of the tables in action.
Brilliant stuff.
He included a note saying that the tables were seeing quite a lot of use and that one seam in particular had earned a reputation for its ability to eat pieces in play.
Apparently, they call it "The Devourer of Dice." Ha. That's totally my bad.
Well. His letter made my day. There is nothing greater than knowing all of this has contributed some measure of fun and intrigue and general gaming mayhem out there in the real world. But Who cares. Soon after that post Bill (the extraordinary fellow who donated to Doctors Without Borders and took home the best two of the four Heroes of Armageddon tables) wrote me with a very kind note and with these fine photos of the tables in action.
Brilliant stuff.
He included a note saying that the tables were seeing quite a lot of use and that one seam in particular had earned a reputation for its ability to eat pieces in play.
Apparently, they call it "The Devourer of Dice." Ha. That's totally my bad.
Thanks, Bill -not only for being a brilliant and kind person, but also for passing this along. Cheers.