Hello all Over the last few weeks I have been playing battlewagon orks and I'm going to another tournament next week in Northern Ireland, and this is what I'm thinking about taking. I think it will give me a number of potential threats on the tabletop for my opponent to deal with, and there is still some units that I have not managed to play with, plus it can certainly on paper spit out alot of ork Dakka! Dakka!

+++ No Name (1850pts) +++
+++ 1850pt Orks 5th Ed (2008) Roster (Primary Detachment)) +++


Orks 5th Ed (2008) (Primary Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (200pts)

* Big Mek (85pts) 
Choppa, Kustom Force Field (50pts)

* Warboss (115pts) 
Bosspole (5pts), Cybork Body (10pts), Mega-Armour (40pts)

+ Elites + (255pts)

* 1x1Meganobz (255pts) 
* Battlewagon (135pts) 
Boarding Plank (5pts), Deff Rolla (20pts), 2x Rokkit Launcha (20pts)
*3x1 Meganob (40pts) 
Twin-Linked Shoota

+ Troops + (675pts)

* 1x1 Meganobz (Troops) (255pts) 
* Battlewagon (135pts) 
Boarding Plank (5pts), Deff Rolla (20pts), 2x Rokkit Launcha (20pts)
3x1 Meganob (40pts) 
Twin-Linked Shoota

* 2x1 Ork Boyz (142pts) 
* 17x Boy (102pts) 
17x Shootas
* Nob (40pts) 
Bosspole (5pts), Power Klaw (25pts)

* 1x1 Ork Boyz (136pts) 
* 16x Boy (102pts) 
16x Shootas
* Nob (40pts) 
Bosspole (5pts), Power Klaw (25pts)

+ Fast Attack + (315pts)

* 3x3 Warbuggies (105pts) 
* Warbuggy (35pts) 
Twin-Linked Rokkit Launcha (5pts)

+ Heavy Support + (405pts)

3x3 Battlewagon (135pts) 
Boarding Plank (5pts), Deff Rolla (20pts), 2x Rokkit Launcha (20pts)

As always trying to find the best possible list for the points no easy task but I think I'm getting their so have a look below and make sure to leave some comments on what you all think. :)