40k Orks Nobs The bigger they are the harder they fight.

Nobs are the backbone of any ork army and these guys are at the top of the food chain, and they certainly need to look the part. I have done many different types of nobs over the years. I was lucky enough to pick up some of these from a friend who didn't...

My 1st post of the new year, orks old school warbikes.

Things have been a bit slow around these parts over recent months, especially last year as, I simply didn't have the time to update my blog regularly. I thought it was about time that I posted what I'm currently working on and to get this year off to the...

My New Nurgle Chaos Army Group Shot And Hobby Update.

What a hectic couple of months, as with work commitments and every day life, it's certainly had an impact in regards to my ability on posting regular updates on my blog. But fear not I have still been very busy on the hobby front' and as you can see in the pictures....