


The tables are coming along. I genuinely do not have a second to write more about the process at the moment, as the sprint is fully engaged. gogogogo. These tables will be delivered on Thursday come hell or high water (I’m not even really sure what that means, but I’ve always wanted to write it).

I will say this:
1. The cardstock has been a real challenge to work with. I made a few early blunders and I’ve been stumbling around to fix them since.

2. In absence of all the greater, more ambitious notions that I would have liked to accomplish in this project (no open flames, sorry), I’ve become extraordinarily pragmatic. I’ve also been rediscovering painting techniques that I love.

…for example, chevrons. Love them.

…and highly-weathered, well, everything. I really enjoy making these tables look haggard and worn. So much so, in fact, that I’m not even sure that I could paint cleanly if I wanted anymore. It’s all about layers and layers and layers to make the muck.

Now back to work.