I got a message from Tom who also goes to Vine Inn Gaming, he was asking for some feedback on his Deathwing list. The original list has a Land Raider in along with some Deathknights, can't remember what else. I wrote this for him, keep in mind I am not a Deathwing player and play Ravenwing.

Dark Angels 'Deathwing' - 2,000 points


Belial - thunder hammer & storm shield
Librarian - mastery level 2 & terminator armour
Deathwing Command Squad - apothecary & 5 x thunder hammers & storm shields


Mortis Dreadnought - 2 x twin-linked autocannons
Mortis Dreadnought - 2 x twin-linked autocannons


5 x Deathwing Terminators - 4 x thunder hammers & storm shields, chain fist & cyclone missile launcher
5 x Deathwing Terminators - 4 x thunder hammers & storm shields, chain fist & cyclone missile launcher
5 x Deathwing Terminators - 4 x thunder hammers & storm shields, chain fist & cyclone missile launcher
5 x Scouts - sniper rifles

Heavy Support

Predator - lascannon sponsons
Predator - lascannon sponsons


Aegis Defence Line

Total: 1,995

In Tom's previous list he had a Land Raider Crusader - this is handy for mostly anti infantry, though in past experience playing against Tom he has never had enough long ranged punch. I was thinking of switching the Crusader for Godhammer, but two Predators are still cheaper and contribute more lascannon death. Plus a Land Raider sucks up more points in a list heavy with heavy point suckers.

Deathwing Knights, I dropped these because Tom is paying points for the Crusader to transport them and then Belial only makes Deathwing troops - so paying to make Terminators troops and not having one unit scoring. I replaced these with a DWCS (Deathwing Command Squad), which act as the hammer unit. At least with an Apothecary they are slightly harder to kill and the cyclone missile launcher the DWCS can contribute something when they deep strike and have the low AP for combat. 

So, the DWCS forms up with Belial and the Librarian - this makes a hammer unit which can re-roll to hit as the Libby can access divination (prescience), so can re-roll to hit in all rounds of combat and shooting. I added on the other mastery level just because had spare points, there's some nice one in divination which would be useful, particularly the re-roll failed armour saves power :D

Deathwing Terminators provide anti tank with the cyclones and hammers and generally just smash things up.

Scouts, Predators and Mortis Dreadnoughts take cover behind the ADL (aegis defence line), which will give them all a 4+ cover save. Mortis are for anti flyer as they have skyfire and interceptor if they didn't move, general anti armour is fine. Predators open up transports so the Termies can mash up inside.


Thanks to the deathwing assault rule all Deathwing units will come down first turn - no point keeping units in reserve or having them drop in second, the reason for this is the less you have on the table then less the opponent has to shoot at and the easier it is to blow your army away. You also want ALL Terminator units coming down first turn, reason for this is because if you drop a single unit then the opponent will focus fire on them and it is good by Termies - best way to kill Terminators is to bringing them down through weight of wounds or sheer amount of low AP fire. Now, how is the opponent going to do this when there's 22 Terminators in their face? With the amount of Terminators down this means the other units will probably go un-touched.

Mortis Dreadnoughts and Predators focus on transport vehicles (Mortis can use interceptor and skyfire if it hasn't moved), this will open up vehicles or make them slightly easier for the Deathwing to assault - be smart and use your Deathwing to block the exits, this will force the opponent to emergency disembark or disembark where you want them to. 

Scouts are a cheap objective holding unit. If they get shot at then go to ground for a 2+ cover save. I only gave them sniper rifles so they might contribute, not holding my breath though, but you never know. 

This list doesn't have high volume of fire power, but that's Deathwing for you. It does have 8 missiles, 10 autocannon shots and 4 lascannons firing a turn, so should be good for anti armour and monstrous creatures. I have thrown on a chain fist in each squad to deal with av14 i.e Land Raiders or Monoliths, though hammers and fists should be fine for any other vehicles.

Hit me with feedback Deathwing players, not literally hit me, just post it in the comment box.