I still fancy a crack at chaos daemons and got this in mind. Add chaos marines for a bit of spice and extra flyers.


Keeper of Secrets - mastery level 2 psyker
Daemon Prince - daemon of slaanesh, wings, power armour & the black mace


10 x Pink Horrors
10 x Pink Horrors
10 x Chaos Cultists
10 x Chaos Cultists

Fast Attack

10 x Flesh Hounds
10 x Flesh Hounds
Heldrake - baleflamer

Heavy Support

Daemon Prince - daemon of slaanesh,  daemonic flight, warp forged armour & 2x greater rewards
Daemon Prince - daemon of slaanesh,  daemonic flight, warp forged armour & 2x greater rewards
Daemon Prince - daemon of slaanesh,  daemonic flight, warp forged armour & 2x greater rewards

I've stuck to pissy troops as chaos daemons troops I think are meh and took culitsts as cheap. All the troops did to do is hold objectives and go to ground.

Everything else will rush up putting loads of flyers on the opponent's door step. Slaanesh Princes blast flyers, infantry and armour and only land if the coast is clear. Black mace Prince will tackle camping units or lay wastes to hordes.

Keeper will piss about, really the weak link in the chain but with so many fast moving threats the keeper shouldn't get picked on too much.

Hounds will beat up troop choices or swarm elite units.  They can also wrap tanks so units inside cannot disembark or if explodes limited numbers of enemy models can be placed.

Let me know what you think :)