I decided to give Eldar a whirl yesterday against Rich and his Blood Angels. I've got a list in mind which I am interested to see if works before I start shelling the cash. I used to play Eldar back in 5th, and now I've made up my mind that fast and shooty is my play style I think I'll enjoy them more than ever :)

No pics I am afriad as proxy mayhem while both of us are testing lists; sorry, amigos.

Eldar - 2,000 points


Farseer - eldar jetbike & mantle of the laughing god


5 x Wraithguard w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield
5 x Wraithguard w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield
5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield
5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield
5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield
3 x Windrider Jetbikes

Fast Attack

Vyper - shuriken cannon
Vyper - shuriken cannon

Heavy Support

2 x War Walkers - 4 x scatter lasers
2 x War Walkers - 4 x scatter lasers
2 x War Walkers - 4 x brightlances

Blood Angels - 2,000 points


Gabriel Seth
Reclusiarch - jump pack


2 x Sanguinary Priests - jump packs
7 x Sternguard Veterans w/ Rhino


5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback - meltagun
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback - meltagun
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback - flamer
10 x Assault Marines - 2 x meltaguns - sgt w/ lightning claw
10 x Assault Marines - 2 x meltaguns - sgt w/ lightning claw

Heavy Support

5 x Devastators - 4 x missile launchers
5 x Devastators - 4 x missile launchers


Aegis Defence Line - quad gun
Aegis Defence Line - quad gun

Game: we're playing a custom mission which I wrote which is centre about a volcanic planet. The mission has special rules which units in terrain roll a D6 and result of a 1 that model takes an initiative test, if fails then dies. Also at the start of the turn roll a D6 for every unit, if a 6+ is rolled then that unit is hit by D6 S8 AP3 volanic debris. Deployment was short edged tables 12" from the edge and mission was whoever holds the most table quarters.


I won the roll off and took the short edge to my right. Rich dropped his ADLs spread across his deployment zone.

I deployed first placing Lance Walkers on the left flank (on my long table edge), then in the centre behind a ruin all other units while the two Vypers took refuge behind a ruin on the right flank.

Rich deploys and puts a Dev unit on each quad gun, then on the right flank both jumper units while all vehicles park up in the gap between the ADL with the Sternguard Rhino at the back with Seth and Corbulo inside.

* Tactical Notes

The Devastators and Sternguard are the most problem for me in this game; Devs can reach out and blast my Serpents and other vehicles while Sternguard will be a problem for my Wraithguard with those hellfire rounds and vengeance rounds. 

If I can deplete Devs first turn and use the large ruins in the centre to block LOS I should be ok. 

Sternguard, as their Rhino is at the back I have got myself some time. If I can cause some damage to the front Rhino it will cause a traffic damage and Rich will have to go around and over the ADL. The way to tackle this is just mass fire power.

I also will need to keep my distance because the Assault Marines will close on me with those dual meltas on the jump packs. Hopefully I can doom a unit and let them have it while Farseer does mind war on the Priests/Reclusiarch.

Turn 1

Rich attempts to seize and fails.

Eldar; I move the Windriders back and they hide behind a terrain piece, I will use them to score a table quarter. Farseer casts fortune on a Wraithguard Serpent, both Serpents move down the left flank while all Serpents move down the centre using a large shrine ruin in the centre to block LOS or get cover. Vypers remain in position as can draw LOS through the windows in the ruin. War Walkers move out from behind the ruins (I have War Walkers on left and right flank as well as a unit in the centre).

Shooting; Lance Walkers open fire on the front Razorback and take a hull point off it - they only hit once to very poor, they run and hide back behind the ruin. Wraithguard Serpents fire scatter lasers only into the same Razorback - I want their shield active so I can get them close next turn. The scatters fail to damage. Both War Walker units in the centre and right flank along with both Vypers and two Serpents fire into the Devs on the right - only Sgt remains - passes morale. Last Serpent fires into Devs on the left flank and kills a single Blood Angel.

Blood Angels; Razorbacks move out with one moving 6" and the Assault Marines bailing out in the ground floor of the shrine ruin. Jump Assault Marines bound forward and come down at me.

Shooting; meltas from one jump Assault Marines blow up an Avenger Serpent; one Eldar dies and squad passes pinning. Single Sgt fires quad gun at another Serpent though holofields save me. Devs on the left fire at the none fortuned Serpent and score two pens and a glance - I manage to make a single pen into a glance and save both glances though the other penetrating hit goes through and causes stunned.

Assault; Assault Marines try to assault the exposed Avengers, overwatch and bladestorm kills the front Assault Marine and Rich is now out of assault range.

* Tactical Notes

Not a too bad first turn; I have depleted a Dev unit though still got the Sgt manning the quad gun and that is seriously annoying. The other Dev unit has only lost a single model. I will be honest and was hoping to cause more damage and really wanted to take out that Razorback I fired at.

Rich has managed to tackle a Wave Serpent and stunned another, so that's a little less fire power coming at him this turn. Though he is right on my doorstep now so I'll move away or else he's going to get some assaults off.

Next turn I'll move up both Wraithguard Serpents and bail one unit out to blast the Razorback I already shot at. I should get some side armour shots on the Sternguard Rhino too. Remaining Serpents will move back to avoid oncoming Assault Marines, I'll doom the closest unit and let them have scatter-shuri death, though that will still leave another unit in my grill.

Turn 2

Eldar; both Wraithguard Serpents move up, one unit bails out to tackle the damaged Razorback/Devs while the other Serpent uses a ruin to get some cover. Farseer casts doom on Reclusiarch's unit, goes off, though mind war fails, does fortune the Dire Avengers on foot though. Farseer then falls back 12" along with all Serpents. War Walkers come out to play while Vypers also fall back.

Shooting; Wraithguard fire into the damaged Razorback and take it out, their Serpent fires into the Sternguard Rhino and it goes boom - single Sternguard dies. Supporting stunned Serpent fires into the other Devs and kills three of them with good shots thanks to twin-linked. Lances fire into the last Razorback and it's gone if I remember right. Scatter lasers, shuri catapults and cannons waste the Reclusiarch's unit - just Reclusiarch remains with a single wound. The War Walkers did do the run thingy, though the Lance Walkers only get a 1" run :(

Blood Angels; empty Razorback which dropped off Assault Marines last turn moves 12" and stops on a hill while jump Assault Marines move up to support it and get in on assault. Reclusiarch joins the last jump Assault Marine unit. Assault Marines on foot who bailed out in the shrine come out in the open ready to blast some Wraithguard.

Shooting; Devs on the left flank fire into the now empty Wraithguard's ride and even with holofield saves it is gone. Quad gun manned by lone Sgt takes out a Lance Walker. Bolt pistols and meltaguns from the jump unit waste Avengers, one left who holds. Sternguard rapid fire hellfire rounds into the Wraithguard and I get 7 saves which I only fail 2, so not so bad.

Assault; Reclusiarch batters the lone Avenger and unit consolidates a mighty 1" and now ready to be shot in the face.

* Tactical Notes

That's another Serpent up the creek and a War Walker gone, but I am still holding on ok. I feel I've done more damage to Rich this turn as he has lost a doomed Assault Squad, three vehicles and some Devs in a single turn. All in all I cannot complain.

The Assault Marines on foot by the shrine I'll gun down with the depleted Wraithguard, they are out in the open and only five of them left. Not sure what I'll do with the other Wraithguard though. I'll put a bucket of fire power into the Sternguard and cast doom on the Assault Marines and blast them up. Hopefully I can take out the last Razorback too.

Turn 3

Eldar; once again my units fall back and I am loosing ground for table quarters, but I have to fall back to keep the Assault Marines at arms length and I still have speed to move forward. Farseer casts doom again, fortunes the Wraithguard and does mind war on the Reclusiarch - who denies again! All units then fall back while War Walkers once again come out to play. Other Wraithguard bails out, I'll use them to shoot and charge an Assault Squad from the first wrecked Razorback.

Shooting; Wave Serpents, War Walkers and Vypers fire into the Reclusiarch's unit and the entire unit is wiped out. I put some remaining shots into the Assault Marines who are out in the open, two die and then the unit gets polished off by the depleted Wraithguard. Other Wraithguard fire into the remaining Devs and I wipe them out. Last Razorback comes under fire from the last Lance Walker and scores weapon destroyed - so no more shooting :)

Blood Angels; Seth splits from the unit and goes towards the depleted Wraithguard. Flamer Assault Squad who got wrecked out the last Razorback move up and take use of the quad gun while supporting melta unit moves through terrain to blast the last Wraithguard Wave Serpent.

Shooting; Sternguard fire into the full strength Wraithguard, I get lucky and only one drops. Melta from the Assault Squad near the flamer unit blasts the empty Wraithguard Serpent and scores stunned again. Quad gun from lone Sgt fires at Serpent but fails to damage. Other quad gun fires into Lance Walker and force field saves.

Assault; Seth charges the Wraithguard and chops one to bits with rending, Wraithguard fail to even hit.

* Tactical Notes

Going well now and I think I have this game in the bag. Rich has two scoring units left and they are in the same quarter, so if I can tackle one of those with the remaining Wraithguard I'll be ok. I'll then use Windrides to claim one quarter while Serpents can take out everything else and then on turn 5 go for remaining table quarters.

Turn 4

Eldar; Wave Serpents move up with Vypers as the coast is clear. Farseer is out of range to cast any powers.

Shooting; Lance Walker fires at the Razorback and fails to damage it, I am hoping to blow it up so can fire at the lone Sgt, though only manage to wreck it with a Wave Serpent, ah well. Vypers move flat out to gain 4+ cover. Wraithguard fire into melta unit, terrain saves one and Wraithguard are ready to assault. Sternguard get shot up and about 4 remain with Corbulo.

Assault; Wraithguard assault the melta Assault Marines, both sides lose a model. Seth chops down another Wraithguard.

Blood Angels; flamer Assault Marines have a table quarter claimed, they stay on the quad gun. Sternguard move up.

Shooting; quad guns fire at Wave Serpents, one is fine and one is the already stunned one and it goes down.

Seth chops down the last Wraithguard and is free while the Assault Marines lose combat, but get caught by sweeping advance and stay locked in close combat.

At this point we agree to call it a game as I can easily kill those remaining Sternguard and Seth as well as claiming two table quarters. It is also possible I could get a third table quarter if I could kill the lone Sgt.

Eldar victory!


I don't think we should both playing a special mission if using proxy armies as we totally forgot about the mission special rules! Ah well, maybe next time.

Eldar really suit my fast and shooty play style. I've got some more play tests to do with them, but I think I have made my mind up about them.

Some thoughts on the list;

Farseer is cool on a jetbike and allows me to get those powers off. I did cheat on the powers as I didn't realise mind war and fortune were both warp charge 2, so I shouldn't have cast one of them, though cast mind war twice and failed twice so I guess no harm. I will in the future switch one power for guide and use that on the Lance Walkers.

Wraithguard I am undecided about. I wanted these as I do not want metal Fire Dragons and I used Fire Dragons previously. They can absorb a lot of fire power which is nice and bring the distort rule.

Avengers are ok in min units.

Windrinders will be useful for min scoring unit, though I could ditch them and use the points else where.

Vypers were ok, but I didn't think they had any real oomph to them. I do prefer Hornets, they may have a little more staying power as av11, but are Forge World so expensive.

War Walkers work nicely with scatter lasers. Brightlances are ok, but need guide. They should take out a vehicle a turn if do average.