lol, by both the title and the photo above, I'm sure that you can tell just what this post is about...

Warfrog came out of hiding to play with us at the FLGS this past Saturday with his Eldar. After having been repeatedly asked if I'd read my copy of the codex  (to which I kept replying: no, just a bit of fluff and looking at the pictures), he offered to show me what the Eldar can now do. Sounded good to me as even if I lost, I'd still be able to see just what my army can do.

Well, as it turns out, no not really.

What follows are a few photos taken (by Warfrog & Neverness) at the beginning of and the final moments of my still (sadly) 'not-so-Red Corsairs' which Warfrog used to mop the floor...

Warfrog's '50 shades of grey' army. Unfortunately, while they are Eldar, there are absolutely no models in common with my Exodites/Saim-Hann. Note: The Viper is a proxied Farseer on a Jetbike.

The (not so) Red Corsairs, awaiting their doom...

The Eldar deployment. Probably a moot point given the OMG/WTF extreme movement capabilities of this army. 1500 points, relic, dawn of war deployment.

He went first and for me, things went (steeply) down hill from there...

Fast forward to the end, where aside from a random model or two, and one squad of spiders which blew their jet pack/assault phase move, leaving them to be caught and wiped out in HTH. What you see here is my Sorcerer 'Harold of Nurgle' staring at his oblivion. ONE Red Corsair, bearing his icon of vengeance did survive to keep me from being tabled, but small victory that was...

RTVoril and Kushial elected to just watch rather than play and commented that it was one of the worst beat downs that they'd ever seen me take! Indeed, despite 5 turns the game ended early enough for Warfrog to play another, yet RTVoril and his Eldar (Wraith Knight included) wanted no part of Warfrog's army!

Still it was a fun, and had the occasional moments of hilarity that we all look for in games. I guess now I need to skip the fluff and 'ooh pretty' pictures and start reading my Eldar codex's rules...