Fast Attack for Eldar today, here is the elites if you missed it: Eldar Elites Review

Swooping Hawks

Swooping Hawks have taken a massive point decrease from 21 points a model down to 16 points, that's a serious point drop!

Swooping Hawks get a new rule called herald of victory which allows a unit consisting of entirely of models with this rule to deep strike without scatter.

The sky leap rule remains the same, though this can be done before regroup tests - handy if the Swooping Hawks are falling back and close to the table edge or use sky leap to get them out of harm's way if going to eat fire power.

Swooping Hawks still have the grenade pack, though it has changed to AP4 now, but it has been nerfed as now a 24" range shooting weapon instead of being placed any where on the table after the Hawks have arrived via deep strike. Another bonus is the grenade pack ignores cover and if the unit has at least six models then the grenade pack uses a large blast instead of small blast.

Speaking of grenades, remember these guys have haywire grenades, so when you deep strike you could land near a tactic vehicle i.e Predator and then next turn shove haywire grenades down the exhaust :)

The Exarch may take a sunrifle (like a lasblaster but assault 3, blind) or a hawk's talon which is S5 assault 3.


Swooping Hawks have taken a much needed points decrease, however they are still Guardsmen with wings, really and only offer anti infantry (not that awesome either) abilities. I guess you could take an Exarch with a talon, but that's some points just to rear armour vehicles.

On a good note the Swooping Hawks will be extremely useful for linebreaker, especially if you go second as you can sky leap them turn 4 and auto arrive back on in turn 5.

Rating: 6.5/10

Warp Spiders

Warp Spiders have taken a 3 point decrease in the Eldar codex and are now classed as jet pack infantry. They also get hit and run as standard while previously you had to take an Exarch to be able to do that, which would cost another 27 points.

The Warp Spiders weapon, the death spinner has also been improved. When firing at enemy models with initative 3 or below the weapon gets +1 strength. In addition a 6+ to wound counts as AP1 - groovy!

You can take an Exarch in the unit who can take a twin-linked death spinner (not worth it as Exarch is BS5) or a spinneret rifle, which is S6 AP1 rapid fire, pinning - for the cost of the Exarch and rifle I probably wouldn't bother.


The Warp Spiders are a much improved unit and will be one of the top choices in the fast attack section. Their warp jump ability allows them to move 6" + 2D6" (roll a double one dies), that's roughly 13". They then can run and can re-roll this thanks to fleet. Because they are jet pack infantry they can move 2D6" in the assault phase. So you're talking about a 24" movement! Excellent for getting into side/rear armour on vehicles. I think Warp Spiders will make excellent distraction units and 10 x S7 shots against a vehicle is no laughing matter.

Rating: 8/10

Shining Spears

Shining Spears are jetbikes in the fast attack section and have taken a whooping 10 points decrease! In addition they also get outflank and skilled rider included, previously had to use an Exarch to get these abilities.

The laser lance has taken a change and now is AP3 when used as a range weapon. In combat it has taken a nerf in line with power weapons from 5th ed rules to 6th ed and now is just AP3. Keep in mind the +3 strength bonus from a laser lance only works when charging.

An Exarch can take a power weapon for free or a star lance, which is a S8 AP2 version  of the laser lance.


Much improved from last edition and still handy for tackling basic troop units and vehicles. I can see Shining Spears being very popular in Windrider lists. The addition of skilled rider gives them that little more survivability as they do not have to worry about moving into cover in order to claim those cover saves.

One thing to remember is that Shining Spears have eldar jetbikes so can turbo boost a serious distance or move in the assault phase; great for getting close to enemy units or line breaker.

Rating: 6.5/10

Crimson Hunter

The Crimson Hunter is one of the two new flyers in the Eldar codex. If you think Dark Eldar Razorwing Jet Fighter, then you cannot go wrong. It costs 170 points.

The Crimson comes with two brightlances and a pulse lasers as standard; lots of S8 death. You can switch the brightlances for starcannons if you want, though I wouldn't bother.

It also has the vector strike rule and skyhunter, this rule lets you re-roll hits which failed to glance or penetrate on other flyers.

You can take an Exarch who makes the Crimson Hunter BS5 and gives precision shots on a 5+. This makes the Hunter expensive and as it is pretty weak you're investing points into something which probably won't last that long. However, it a job is worth doing it is worth doing right and perhaps worth milking the Hunter before it goes down. Plus the precision shot ability isn't mega useful as this vehicle is a primary anti vehicle unit, but the precision shot does give the ability to instagib Space Marine characters.


An expensive weak flyer and has no real defence apart from jink, which means snap fire and will be a waste of points if you take the Exarch. The mass S8 means it's only really good for normal transport vehicles and you'd have to get lucky with the lances to take down something serious. Expect this to be a one trick dead pony.

Rating: 6.5/10


Unlike other fast attack units, the Vyper has taken a slight points increase by 5 points. But for that points increase you do get extra ballistic skill, a shuriken cannon and a shuriken catapult. So really the points cost are about the same once added the cheapest upgrade from the old codex.

Vyper can be taken in squadrons of 3 max. Can have brightlance, scatter laser, starcannon & eldar missile launcher. You can switch the standard shuri catpault for a shuri cannon and have a cheapo 3 x S6 annoying little nat zooming about.

Vehicle wargear is available, holofield maybe an interest, but bumps the points up. However the Vyper with double shuri cannons and holofield is about the same points cost as a dual multi melta Space Marine Land Speeder.


A nice little unit though I can see other choices will be taken over this i.e Warp Spiders, Shining Spears and probably the Crimson Hunter. Still for the points you cannot go wrong and if you add a scatter laser on it you are going to get some twin-linked goodness. Be careful what you throw on though as the Vyper can get pretty expensive for what you get. Something else to consider is the Forge World Hornet, which costs a little more points, though is slightly tougher.

Rating: 6.5/10

Hemlock Wraithfighter

The Hemlock is the second new flyer available to Eldar and has the same chassis as the Crimson Hunter.

Like the Crimson Hunter, the Hemlock also has the vector dancer rule, though that is all they share between them.

The Hemlock is an anti troop unit in aerial form. It comes with two heavy d-scythes (S4 AP2 blast distort), spirit stones (like living metal) and mindshock probe - this forces all successful morale and pinning tests within 12" have to re-roll. I'll note it says ALL units, so does this include Eldar?

Something unusual for flyers, the Hemlock is a psyker which has the terrify psychic power. To make the most out of this power you would need a few Hemlocks and then Wave Serpents and/or Night Spinners to take advantage of those pinning tests.


The Hemlock is more expensive than the Crimson Hunter and if the Hunter doesn't cut the mustard then the Hemlock certainly doesn't. Eldar really don't need anti troop fire power what they need is more anti air and something more durable. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe Forge World Eldar flyers are cheaper and better for the points. Still, you can have that combo with Wave Serpents and Night Spinners and you know you're going to get the terrify power, which is usally randomly rolled for.

Rating: 4/10

Another part of the Eldar review is done. Warp Spiders are a strong choice for fast attack and Vypers offer some attraction. Shining Spears will have a place in jetbike armies and for people who want a close combat bite. Swooping Hawks aren't a bad choice for the points. Unfortunately both new flyers come in last.

What are your thoughts on the Eldar fast attack? Have you used any of these units?