As you can see, the book at 60 €, 20 € s templates, new fat bugs to 125 €, the Baneblade repackaged to 110 €, the new scenery between 40 and 115 € and each chapter master at 23 €.

Then we see some new roll collector's whims dice (with which the Mechanicus molaban) at 23 €, vortex grenade and strategic cards (hopefully also be in the book, if not the ¬ ¬) to 12 € and issues Player Collector and the nice price of 190 €

Since then the prices are more than enough ... but of course, are at the level GW . The good news?As I always say, no one forces us to buy it! 125 per tank ... for that price I have two lists of Tournament X-Wing , and competitive! - More photos of things to come, thanks to the people ofDakka Dakka , here .

Some nice looking kit, and would look great on a theme board, but as usual the price are going up and up. I am very interested to see what the Necron Tesseract Vault is.