
After breaking the back of Rob's Ogre invasion, all is (currently) quiet on the WHFB front. My Army of Leichberg has returned to its normal duties of guarding the shelf, and I've busied myself with Battletech and my Quar invasion of Bolt Action. However Neverness has been feverishly working on his Orcs, and the Army of Leichberg must remain vigilant of this new and growing threat (well, not exactly new, as he's had the army longer than I've had mine).

The barrel and bits came compliments of Rob and it all works rather well I think!

Thus, I took a break from my Quar and battlemechs last weekend to apply a little paint to my Dwarf mercenaries.  Well, as you can see, only one of the mercenaries...but the cannon and its base are done as well! Having the gun separate from its base was an annoying feature and that's now been remedied. Sadly, these dwarfs have been away from the Runesmiths for so long that the gun's runes no longer glow with power, but rather have been reduced to mere decoration.

Nonetheless, its still a great (cannon) addition to my army! Necron Bob requested I use it to kill ogres in payment for sending it my way. To date however, only one ogre has fallen to a cannon ball to the face. Still, I'm sure he would have no issue with the cannon balls flying thru the ranks of the greenskins...