I hate horde armies. I really cannot stand moving each model at a time; it is tedious annoying task and can be made even worse if you play TFG who insists you measure every single model. It really just slows the game down, which if you are on a time limit then it becomes an issue. Other problems are if you're playing on a terrain heavy board the infantry can become bogged down in terrain and just take ages to actually get any where.

I say thanks but no thanks to horde armies. Fast and shooty is for me, but here's a Chaos Daemons horde army for you:

Chaos Daemons 'Daemonic Horde' - 2,000 points


Herald of Tzeentch - locus of conjuration
Herald of Tzeentch - locus of conjuration
Herald of Tzeentch - locus of conjuration
Herald of Khorne - juggernaut
Herald of Khorne - juggernaut
Herald of Khorne - juggernaut


15 x Pink Horrors
15 x Pink Horrors
15 x Pink Horrors
15 x Daemonettes
15 x Daemonettes

Fast Attack

10 x Flesh Hounds
10 x Flesh Hounds
10 x Flesh Hounds

Heavy Support

Soul Grinder - daemon of nurgle
Soul Grinder - daemon of nurgle

Total: 1,995

Originally I did have some Seekers in the list in order to boost up the numbers, but I favour Flesh Hounds, so they got cut. Plus I've added in triple Khorne Heralds who can give the Flesh Hounds some nasty close combat punch. 

The total model count is 113, which is mid horde limits. I guess you could add more numbers if some Heralds of Khorne were dropped. That extra 300 points would bag you 19 (under by 5 points) Flesh Hounds, that's another 6 per unit and would bring the horde count to 132; that's a lot of Daemons! 


Daemonettes and Flesh Hounds run up, probably better if could scout the Flesh Hounds. Here an ADL would be nice (perhaps switch a Herald of Khorne for an ADL?) as you could scout the Hounds up and use the ADL to get cover - imagine if you had night fighting too! With the Hounds scouting the Daemonettes should progress up the board without hassle. I wouldn't deep strike them either before some says, too big a foot print.

The Pink Horrors will be laying down fire power in the form of 3D6 S6 shots forcing the opponent to keep his head down and consider where placing units. Who knows they might be able to suppress enemy vehicles a little bit, though do not expect wonders from them. 

Heralds take prescience and let their pink little mates re-roll to hit. I guess if you did take an ADL one of these could use it and use it to interceptor.

Soul Grinders are there to add skyfire. Like the Horrors, do not expect wonders from them; they are mediocre at best. But they are better than no skyfire I guess and with shrouding from nurgle with av13 they should be able to take a beating.

Personally I would rather take a list like this: Chaos Daemons w/ CSM allies 'Monster's Ball' - 2,000 points

What are your thoughts on the daemonic horde? Do you play something like this or played against it?