Played John and his Eldar Serpent Spam list on Friday. I couldn't decide whether to use Ravenwing or Necrons. I had used Ravenwing lately and John decided to test his mettle against the Necrons.

Necrons 'Mechrons' - 2,000 points


Necron Overlord w/ Catacomb Command Barge - warscythe & mindshackle scarabs
Royal Court - 3 x Crypteks w/ harbinger of destruction & solar pulse
Necron Overlord w/ Catacomb Command Barge - warscythe & mindshackle scarabs
Royal Court - 3 x Crypteks w/ harbinger of destruction & solar pulse


5 x Necron Warriors w/ Ghost Ark
5 x Necron Warriors w/ Ghost Ark
5 x Necron Warriors w/ Ghost Ark
5 x Necron Warriors

Fast Attack

6 x Canoptek Wraiths - 3 x whip coils
6 x Canoptek Wraiths - 3 x whip coils

Heavy Support

Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge

Eldar 'Craftworld Vagisil' - 2,000 points


Farseer - jetbike & mantle of the laughing god (psychic screech, guide & prescience)


5 x Fire Dragons w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield
5 x Fire Dragons w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield


5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield
5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield
5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofield

Fast Attack

5 x Warp Spiders

Heavy Support

3 x War Walkers - 2 x scatter lasers each
3 x War Walkers - 2 x scatter lasers each
3 x War Walkers - 2 x bright lances each

Game: Vanguard Strike & Purge the Alien - night fighting is active


I won the roll off and deployed first. Using the large centre ruin to give cover, I lined up the Arks side ways on with Wraiths out front. All Barges deployed behind. Warriors on foot deployed in a ruin near my table edge close to a Ghost Ark so they can regenerate.

John spreads his units so he has them all in cover. Both Dragon Serpents are behind a big ruin towards top left and are supported by the Farseer and a unit of Scatter Walkers. All remaining units deploy on John's table edge behind a large ruin.

* Tactical Notes

John's Dragon Serpents aren't too far away from me, which is good as they are my target priority. Seems I have first turn I should be able to move over and get some long range shots in. With luck I should be able to take out one.

Next on the list is the Lance Walkers. John has these will hidden and my mid ranged fire power won't reach them. I'll have to use my Wraiths to move up and tackle them with support from my CCB's.

Turn 1

John attempts to seize and gets it!

Eldar; Farseer casts guide on Scatter Walkers, though Lance Walkers are out of range. Dragon Serpent's come down the left table edge while Serpents from the large ruin on John's table edge move across to support. One Serpent sneaks off and heads towards the right table edge. Warp Spiders jump out and head towards the large centre ruin.

Shooting; Wraiths get shot to bits by pretty much everything, though one Wraith survives with a single wound and denies John first blood. Lances fire at a Ghost Ark and they either do nothing or are just out of range; sorry I cannot remember.

Necrons; lone Wraith moves up to assault the closest Dragon Serpent as the foot Warriors move to support with an Ark close by and a CCB. All Arks turn side ways on so fast Serpents cannot get rear shots. Warlord's CCB moves up with the Wraiths to assault the Warp Spiders. I know John has put them here as bait, but that's ok by me as I'll assault them, get first blood and with consolidation moves catapult forward. If I stay locked in combat then the Wraiths will no doubt win in the Eldar turn and then move up to take some Lance Walkers out.

Shooting; I blast the Dragon Serpent with hope of scoring some damage to help the Wraith, though John passes all cover saves. I start blasting a Serpent near the large ruin on the left and take off a hull point. Both CCB's move flat out to gain 4+ cover saves. Wraith assaults the Dragon Serpent and only causes shaken.

Assault; Wraiths assault and murder the Warp Spiders.

Kill Points - Necrons: 1 Eldar: 0

* Tactical Notes

It is a bit gutting I almost lost a unit of Wraiths first turn, but at least they didn't give up first blood and they have absorbed enough fire so the Serpent's aren't trying to get lucky glances on my Arks. 

On a good note I have taken some hull points off Serpents so softened them up a bit and got first blood thanks to Warp Spider death.

Turn 2

Eldar; Farseer casts guide and prescience on War Walker units. Dragon Serpents swap positions with the ok unit bailing out ready to nuke some Ghost Ark. Scatter Walkers on John's board edge come out to play with Serpent support. The Serpent on the right flank comes down and is at the right of my CCB.

Shooting; un-suprisingly the Wraiths eat fire power and are destroyed giving John his first kill point. Dragons are out of range of the Ark, though battle focus comes into play and with fleet those Dragons are now up in my grill; they blast the Ghost Ark but only score weapon destroyed after some bad rolls by John and good rolls by me. The Lance Walkers fire at the same Ghost Ark and score stunned, I save with living metal. Serpents fire into the Ark (as shields are gone) and finally it goes boom, a single Warrior goes down and fails to get back up. Serpent on the right comes down and looks to be getting into the rear of my Warlord's CCB next turn. The solo Wraith also goes down to a bit of fire power.

Necrons; Ghost Ark regenerates the Warriors on foot and they are back to full strength. CCB on left heads towards the Dragon's Serpent while Ghost Ark and both Warriors on foot move up to deal with the Dragons. Remaining Ghost Ark attempts to move into the centre ruin and fails dangerous terrain test; doh! Warlord's CCB moves back to tackle the Serpent in my deployment zone; cheeky Eldar!

Shooting; Warriors along with the Ghost Ark dakka the Dragons and they are gauss'd to death, the Ark splits fire and puts shots into a Serpent which is blocking the Scatter Walkers - it takes a glance and loses a hull point. One AB blasts the same Serpent and it goes boom, two Avengers remain who eat gauss from the Warriors inside the Ghost Ark which damaged their ride and they die. War Walkers now come under fire from the two remaining AB's and two War Walkers go down.

Assault; both CCB's slam into the Wave Serpents, the empty Serpent on the left goes down to hammer of wrath attacks while the other gets cut up by warscythe.

Kill Points - Necrons: 6 Eldar: 3

* Tactical Notes

Wow! What a destructive turn; I have managed to take out three Wave Serpents in a single turn, that leaves just two of the damn things left. There's also a troop choice gone, Dragon unit destroyed, War Walker unit seriously mauled and a depleted unit of Avengers who are now just pissing in the wind against the Warlord and his CCB.

I've lost both my Wraith units this turn, which I cannot take I am surprised about. It would have been nice if the full strength unit had survived as they could have got some War Walkers. I have also lost a Ghost Ark, but it absorbed so much fire power and refused to go down, so I cannot really complain.

Next turn I'll use the Overlord on the left to slam into the Farseer and cut his monkey ass into bits. The Warlord's CBB will tackle Avengers nearby, they have little chance to do any damage. Remaining fire power will go into Serpents and the Scatter Walkers, I'll try and get the lone Scatter Walker, but I think it will be well hidden.

Turn 3

Eldar; Farseer casts guide and prescience again and moves down to confront my Overlord on the left. Dragons come down in their Serpent and bail out and target the CCB. Lone Scatter Walker heads for the hills to join the Lance Walkers. Depleted Avengers move out towards a ruin bottom right corner.

Shooting; Dragons light up the CCB and it goes boom, the Overlord comes under fire from the Dragon Serpent and fails to saves, the Farseer then hits psychic screech and the Overlord goes down....but gets back up end of the turn! Depleted Avengers run into the ruin for some cover, doesn't matter they are still mince meat! Lance Walkers score some revenge and take out the mobile Ghost Ark, both squads on foot out the Ghost Arks get hosed by scatter lasers, the unit out the recently destroyed Ark are wiped out while part of the other unit remains.

Necrons; John has moved the lone Scatter Walker into the ruin on his deployment zone, I move the AB on the right up and land it in terrain - I can draw LOS on the Walker though the Walker is getting cover. I cannot regenerate the damaged Warrior unit as they are out of range of the immobilised Ghost Ark. I could move them to regen next turn, but fat chance that is going to happen. Warlord's CCB moves up to tackle the easy kill point of depleted Avengers.

Shooting; Warriors shoot the Fire Dragons and just two remain - they pass morale. AB on the right shoot and destroys the lone War Walker. The other two ABs fire into the other Scatter Walkers, I destroy one and take a hull point from another.

Assault; I can take my chances and move the Overlord to assault the Farseer, though I need to go through terrain and need 6". It is risky, but would get me double points. I decide to play it safe and assault the Dragons and murder them both. CCB charges the Avengers and kills two, the remaining Avenger holds in combat.

Kill Points - Necrons: 8 Eldar: 5

* Tactical Notes

Right, I think I have Eldar on the ropes now. I've got a good lead in kill points and have an easy point coming up thanks to the single Avenger in close combat. If I can tackle those War Walkers and if the Overlord survives then I could tackle another Serpent or even the Farseer.

I have lost a Ghost Ark this turn and only have a single one left, which as it immobilised I could regen my unit; damn it! The squad inside then got destroyed as well, sad panda :(

Turn 4

Eldar; Farseer casts guide and prescience again, then comes out to tackle the single wound Overlord. Lance Walkers reposition so they can see the AB in terrain who sniped out the lone Scatter Walker. Last Wave Serpent comes down and lands in front of the large ruin on the Eldar table side.

Shooting; Farseer does psychic screech and the Overlord goes down, fails to get back up as well :( . War Walkers dakka the full strength Warrior who started on foot and the Serpents dakka the depleted Warriors and both are destroyed - Eldar are catching up! Lance Walkers blast the AB in the ruin, I fail my saves and it goes boom.

Assault; Avengers gets chopped by by warscythe.

Necrons; CCB comes blasting down towards the Eldar ready to assault something next turn. Remaining ABs re-position to draw LOS on War Walkers better.

Shooting; ABs fire into the depleted War Walkers and I take out another one and one is on a single hull point. The Ghost Ark and Warriors inside fire at the Serpent with Avengers inside and manage to strip it off hull points, squad bails out in the ruin though are not pinned.

Kill Points - Necrons: 10 Eldar: 10

* Tactical Notes

Ohhhhh, it's on like donkey kong now, bitch. John has seriously caught up with kill points and could easily score a victory here with what he has left. 

We have agreed to finish the game on turn 5 due to time. I hope my CCB can make combat and chop something up to give me the extra point. I have no doubt that the Farseer will be moving to get linebreaker, slim chances of me killing that old elf.

Turn 5

Eldar; Lance Walkers and Avengers come out to play, Walkers hope to tackle the CCB and Avengers have a pop at the Overlord. Farseer moves to try and get linebreaker.

Shooting; Lance Walkers fire at my CCB and do rubbish to hit, I make saves against two glances. Farseer moves flat out and gets linebreaker.

At this point John gets all excited and declares the game a draw as we both have 10 kill points and I have a point for first blood and John has a point for linebreaker. I tell him that I have got to have my turn 5 yet and the smile disappears from his face; John forgot he went first and seized, doh!

So, I bail Warriors out the Ark hoping to tackle the Farseer and move the CCB up to assault the Avengers who John left out in the open in his excitement. Warriors fail to take out the Farseer, though my Overlord destroys the Avengers with supporting fire.

Necrons score a victory with 12 points to 11!


Wow, what a blast of a game - both forces have taken some serious punches. I have lost all but one Ghost Ark, a CCB, both Wraith units and an AB. I think John has fared about the same and has lost five Serpents, three Avenger units, both Dragon units and a total of five War Walkers. A total slobber knocker!

Considering John is on his fifth game with Eldar he has mastered them pretty well. His list is really tight and brings some destructive fire power. I think the only mistakes he made was baiting me with those Warp Spiders, I know he wanted to do that, but they achieved nothing and gave up first blood and a point. Also thinking it was the end of the game and leaving the Avengers high and dry, lol, not that it mattered as my Overlord would have assaulted them anyway or gone for War Walkers.

Looking forward to some rematches and seeing how my other armies fair against John's Serpent spam.