Conversion armies are pretty cool; they create something unique and take a different take on the norm. I think no matter what type of involvement you have in 40k you cannot deny that converted armies are cool.

Converted armies though can bring many problems i.e not WYSIWYG and different size models etc. So, is it ok to use converted armies or are they just a big pain in the arse?

WYIWYG - rule of cool or the real deal?

When playing against a Tyranid army you know a Hive Tyrant is a Hive Tyrant. If you start converting it up and adding robot bits and pieces you get lost and have no clue what is what. Like in the above picture, I have no idea what them things are meant to be. Do not get me wrong, they are awesome conversions - but exactly is what?

I suppose at the start of the game you could just easily give a run through with your opponent what is what. After all if multiple models of the same type are used i.e multiple Tyrants then I guess they would probably look a-like.

Does the rule of cool over throw WYISWYG and is the opponent expect to put up with it? At tournaments this could be really difficult, especially when you get those awkward people complaining not same size and modelling for advantage etc.

King of Proxies

Sometimes when people do converted armies they are mostly for an army which doesn't exist i.e Adeptus Mechanicus. As such you're 'free' to use any codex you wish. When doing conversions sometimes they do not even resemble the original model, like in the picture above. Is that a Tervigon or a giant robo-emperor? I honestly do not know.

Again, do not think I am having a bitch, I proxy myself, though only do this for testing armies/units and for a limited time. But, when you are using a totally converted army for something else do you think that's mixing things up too much?

What the actual fuck?

Converted armies bring something else into the mix and that is creating units. The example Looted Carnifex is perfect - there's not unit for this in 40k, and what is it meant to be exactly? Is it an Ork unit or Tyranid? What is it meant to be for Orks? A Deff Dread? Or is it is a Carnifex mixed with an Ork theme? No one knows as this is a total made up jobby.

Again, this is a seriously cool conversion, but it looks nothing like in an Ork codex and can only be really used for Tyranids. Just like the other main issues models like this create total confusion.

I want a converted army!

Reading this article you probably think I have some serious beef with converted armies; I can tell you that is absolute rubbish. I think converted armies are a work of art, a break from the norm and show great creativeness.

The really reason for asking these questions is I have some plans for creating a converted army myself; Dark Mechanicus. My plan is to use Chaos Daemons (so still using a chaos theme) and do a flying circus list.

The second reason I am asking all these questions/highlighting problems is because I do not want to go to efforts creating a unique and cool looking army and having some clown bitch about model sizes etc.

I've got lots of ideas to make Chaos Daemons monsters into giant dark mech; torn robes, robotic limbs, multi eyed robot faces, tendrils with daemonic faces on etc. In some cases I may use Tyranid and CSM models, particularly an old Carnifex and Helbrute.

So the question goes to you beloved reader, would you play against a converted army even though I have highlighted the problems? Or would you say hell no, bitch?