Iron Warriors are my favourite chaos legion. They are just so bad ass it hurts. Here is an army list for the Iron Warriors legion.

By the way, If you missed the previous posts, here are the other legion lists: Thousand Sons Emperor's ChildrenWorld Eaters and Death Guard.

Chaos Space Marines 'Iron Warriors' - 2,000 points




10 x Chaos Space Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x plasma guns
10 x Chaos Space Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x plasma guns
10 x Chaos Space Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x meltaguns
10 x Chaos Space Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x meltaguns
10 x Chaos Cultists

Fast Attack

Heldrake - baleflamer
Heldrake - baleflamer

Heavy Support

5 x Havocs - 4 x autocannons
5 x Havocs - 4 x autocannons
5 x Havocs - 4 x autocannons
Chaos Vindicator - daemonic possession
Chaos Vindicator - daemonic possession

Total: 1,975

There's 25 points spare in this list and I wasn't sure what to do with them. I guess you could give the Sorcerer another mastery level maybe.

To keep to the Iron Warrior theme I decided to go double FOC and squeeze in as much heavy support as I can. It was a toss up between Vindicators, Obliterators and Forgefiends, but in the end I went with the Vindicator and that's because I have used Oblits in other lists, the Vindie suits Iron Warriors nicely and Forgefiends are a bit shit and I want to keep the list competitive as much as I can.

The Sorcerer is there purely for double FOC, though in the fluff Iron Warriors do have Sorcerers as their bitches.


Rhinos speed forward and pop smoke while the Vindicators lumber behind moving 6". The Vindicators should go on the flanks or at least away from the Rhinos, reason for this is you do not want your Vindies shooting any where near your troops just in case it scatters. The Vindies should be dropping on large units and hordes while the CSM move up and bail out and then unleash bolter death. Meltas of course go tank hunting.

Havocs lay down supressing fire onto vehicles and knock off hull points as well as unleashing dakka on monstrous creatures.

Cultists hold a back field objective, nothing amazing for them, but could be a game changer.

Warpsmith is there really for fluff reasons. I haven't given much thought in where the Warpsmith can go. Same with the Sorcerer. 

Does this list capture the feel of Iron Warriors?