Hi Mercer,
I pieced together a Space Marine biker army a few months ago from bits I had lying around, DV sets and Ebay bits. The idea was to run a DA successor themed army (hence DA models) that had reverted to the Codex hence was fielded using the normal Marine codex. I’m not a big fan of the DA fluff but the models fit perfectly with my existing Sisters army and their allied IG. I thought I’d hit a perfect medium. I was about to close the project and finalise the list when I heard rumours of the new Marine dex so the army got shelved until the new book arrives.
Obviously, I’ve been keenly keeping up on the SM rumours, and from what’s coming out it looks like SM captain on a bike will only enable you to field 1 unit of bikes as a troop choice. Bummer. I’m sure the White Scars codex will allow more, but running a DA model White Scars army list seems to blaggy to pull off. Obviously no decisions will be made until the new codex drops, so I’m considering switching to the DA codex (which I don’t presently own but have had a read through). What I wanted to know was your thoughts on whether a hybrid list works with the DA codex, and how you would field it. Presently, my model collection looks like this; (although obviously I’m happy to add to this and would expect to if I switch codexes. So far I’ve spent less than £150 so I can’t really complain).
Captain on Bike (Powerfist, Combi-melta)
3 Bike Sergs (2 x Plasma pistol & melta bombs, 1 Melta Bombs)
4 Plasma Gun Bikers
2 Melta Gun Bikers
7 Bikers
Company Champion on bike
Apoth on bike
3 x Vets on bikes (1 x Power Maul, 2 x Storm Shields)
10 Tactical Marines (1 x Plasma Gun, 1 x Plasma Cannon)
10 Sternguard/Vets (2 x Plasma Guns)
5 Terminators (1 x Assault Cannon, 1 x Chainfist)
2 x Drop Pods
5 x Attack Bikes (3 x Multi Melta, 2 x Heavy Bolter)
All the models a DA models or converted to be DA. The only things I was going to add to this were a Storm Talon or Storm Raven and 2 x Thunderfire Cannons (been proxying these awaiting the codex release)
The way I see it, with two more bikers and a darkshroud I could convert into the following 2000 hybrid DA list;
5 x Deathwing
Ravenwing Command Squad with Banner of Devastation, Apoth (I have the Command box set, so have banner, plasma talons ect to remodel onto unit)
6 x Raven wing, dual Plasma, Plas pistol, Attack bike w/multi Melta
6 x Raven wing, dual Plasma, Plas pistol, Attack bike w/multi Melta
6 x Raven wing, dual Melta, Melta Bomb, Attack bike w/multi Melta
10 x Tacticals w/ Plasma Gun, Drop pod
5 x Devastators w/ 4 x M. Launcher (easy convert from the Vets)
Land Speeder w/ 2 x Heavy Flamer (owned already, just needs DA-ing up)
I think that’s about 2000 points, max 12 scoring units after combat squadding. Azreal goes with the tacs who come in central, backed up by command squad, bolter ravenwing combat squads and the darkshroud, creating a strong anti-infantry centre with high durability. Melta Bikes hunt heavy armour and transports. Plasma Bikes hunt heavy infantry and Devs provide support as required (possibly juggle a few points for flakk?)
Basically, will this work? I have no playing experience of the DA’s, nor have I played them since the re-release. As appealing as full Ravenwing is, I know I will quickly become bored of the lack of variety in my army and they’ll end up shelved. Azreal is expensive, but Sammy is just as bad, plus Az makes the Deathwing scoring and adds a nice 4++ to the centre line. He’ll also add some punch if it comes to fisticuffs in the middle of the park. However, Can I take a Ravenwing Command squad with Az as only HQ (like I said, no book yet)
All thoughts and feedback welcome.
Paul Hughes
Hi Paul,
Yup, Sammy is pretty meh. I am not a fan of Sammy and only take him to play a full Ravenwing force. 
Speaking of Ravenwing, they are fun and challenging army and while mostly made up of bikes you can switch and change them by adding in Black Knights, Speeders and flyers etc. Maybe allies too?
I do not see the point in Azreal in this list. Well, that's a lie, I understand the point, but I don't think you are getting the most. You are paying 200 points and getting 4 scoring units out of it. It would be different if you had filled the troop slots with units who aren't usually troops. 
I don't think you are getting the most from the banner either. You will have to make sure you place the Drop Pod close by, but when the Marines arrive they will count as moving so will not get the salvo shots. You then have 21 bikes who will benefit, though some of them will be firing special weapons instead i.e plasma etc, though for the first turns it is ok.
I would ditch the plasma pistols and switch them for melta bombs; very handy to assault vehicles after shooting, which is dooable seems you are using bikes. 
Darkshrouds ok, but you need two. A single one will go down like a sack of potatoes.
Speeders would be better with dual multi meltas I think or cyclone. You do not need heavy flamers with the dakka banner. 
You can take a RCS for one HQ choice if I remember right. 
Hope that helps!