Good day campers!

Started on the Eldar last night (waiting for brown paint to finish the Ravenwing), only base colours at the moment and they are ultramarine blue and iyanden darksun. I need to touch up the blue a little more before going onto more detail work.

The final recipe for my Iyanden Eldar will be:

1. Two base coats of foundation yellow.
2. Two coats of whatever ultramarine blue is this days on selected panels.
3. Guns, engines and thingy-ma-bob will be painted black.
4. Gems will have two purples with a dash of white on top.
5. Sepia wash will be used in the recesses of the yellow panels while black wash on the blue recesses.
6. Highlights using white will be applied to the yellow and ice blue on the blue.
7. Yellow will be glazed with yellow and blue glaze blue.
8. Highlight black weaponry.
9. Finished.

I'll be picking up the glazes tonight, so I hope I'll finish this at the weekend and have something to present on Tuesday (bank holiday Monday in the UK), so gives me plenty of time to work on it.