A lot of people play and love the X-Wing miniatures battle game, but I was only mildly interested. When I heard a few months ago that WizKids had licensed the game system and was doing a Star Trek version, I knew I wanted to wait for that.
Well it's finally out, and even though I don't have the cash, my cousin bought it and we threw down a couple games tonight.
He even bought the Reliant and the Original Enterprise..and we played a game of Star Trek II! It was fucking awesome! The felt the store had even looks like the Multara Nebula lol. holy amazeballs!
I'm hoping for an Enterprise -C as a future release so I can play the battle of Narendra III and an Excelsior so I can play the battle of Khittomer! Ya, I'm that fucking nerdy.
Oh, how about an M5 card and a bunch of Constitution class ships! Or an early Warbird and play Balance of Terror! holy amazeballs!
Anyway, video. Enjoy. It's not HD, camera was set wrong. Sorry.
Star Trek Attack Wing!!
by Sorien | Aug 29, 2013