I have just recently finished my Ravenwing army, pictures are up on the post before this if you like to have a butchers. Even though the list is in the post, I thought I would do a separate post dedicated to the list. I'll link this into the my army lists post I have.

Dark Angels 'Ravenwing' - 2,000 points 


Ravenwing Command Squd - 2 x black knights, apothecary, grenade launcher & standard of devastation 
Techmarine - bike, auspex & power field generator 


6 x Ravenwing Attack Squad w/ Attack Bike - 2 x meltaguns - Sgt w/ melta bombs - Attack Bike w/ multi melta 
6 x Ravenwing Attack Squad w/ Attack Bike - 2 x meltaguns - Sgt w/ melta bombs - Attack Bike w/ multi melta 
6 x Ravenwing Attack Squad w/ Attack Bike - 2 x plasma guns - Attack Bike w/ multi melta 
6 x Ravenwing Attack Squad w/ Attack Bike - 2 x plasma guns - Attack Bike w/ multi melta 
6 x Ravenwing Attack Squad w/ Attack Bike - 2 x flamers 

Fast Attack 

7 x Ravenwing Black Knights - 2 x grenade launchers 


This list really likes to go first as the entire army has scout; they zoom forward 12" and in the Ravenwing first turn move 12" again, this brings all the short ranged weapons into range extremely quickly and the Ravenwing are straight down the opponent's throat.

The RCS (Ravenwing Command Squad) has the banner, this gives all units salvo 2/4 bolters within 6" and the ability to re-roll failed morale and leadership tests for units within 12" (I always forget this!) This banner doubles the fire power of the Rvaenwing as they are relentless and count as not moving, in total the army can knock out 140 twin-linked bolter shots! That's a massive amount of fire power.  To keep the banner safe the RCS has a Techmarine who bounces off the saves along with a power field generator for a healthy 4+ invulnerable. An Apothecary has been thrown in for good measure and Sammy can take some wounds as has eternal warrior and 4+ inv himself. 

Along with shooting the Ravenwing aren't too bad at close combat. They are a little bit better than normal Space Marines as bikes get hammer of wrath. The true close combat power comes from the Black Knights (inc RCS as they are Black Knights), these units have the corvus hammer which gives +1 strength and rending. As it is a melee weapon you get the +1 for having two close combat weapons (units have pistols). That's some serious punchy death coming your way.

Close combat can be used as a blessing in disguise even if hurling the Ravenwing into harms way. The entire army has hit and run, this is a great tool as it allows the Ravenwing to tie up the enemy shooting units, jump out of combat at the end of the opponent's turn, shoot in the Ravenwing turn and assault again! This is an awesome defence as units locked in close combat cannot be shoot at!

The weakness of the list is hordes and fliers. I haven't been against a true horde yet, but Tyranids along with other big monsters seem to cause trouble for the Ravenwing. Mass fliers would be an issue, though it is rare I see any more than 2-3 fliers. Generally the hit and run tactic works, though thanks to Ravenwing's speed and twin-linked weapons they can easily get into the rear and bring down enemy fliers.