We all know our favorite Shadow Captain of the Raven Guard.  He is a very characterful choice for a Raven Guard Army, but the real question is how much does he help out your force?

Shrike can join only Jump Pack troops, that makes sense and gets rid of that silly infiltrating terminators tactic.  He can let any squad he joins Infiltrate/Outflank, but doing so means no first turn charges.  He has Stealth, which he confers to his squad, but that really only helps if your Jump Pack squads are around a lot of cover.  Which, by the way, is dangerous for Jump Pack squads to move through.  He also has a pair of very nice Lightning Claws and a Bolt Pistol.

If you aren't planning to use the infiltrate ability, you might do better with a different Shadow Captain. 

I'm planning to run Shadow Captain (Insert cool Name) Who, like Shrike, has a Jump Pack, but carries a Plasma Pistol and a Power Sword.  He also has upgraded his armor to Artificer Armor and typically carries a Melta Bomb to help him get through doors.  He also costs 25 Points less than Shrike.

Another option is to use a Jump Pack, Artificer Armor, Relic Blade, Storm Shield and Combi Melta.  The STR 6 from the Relic Blade will help open most doors, and though it is one shot, the Combi Melta will help pop most transports.  This guy is supposed to be kicking in faces, so more shots aren't really needed.  He also clocks in at only 165 points, 20 less than Shrike. 
                            -This guy could be fun to model.

So what do you guys think?  Would you keep Shrike, in his "shoryuken" pose, for the Stealth or would you run your own Shadow Captain?  Or...do you shell out the money for the IA 8 and run Shadow Captain  Korvydae?  Or are you waiting for the Chapter Supplement and hope for some sort of other special characters and relics?

Post your comments below, in the usual place for such things.