It's been a little while since my last update, I definitely over-booked myself this semester. I don't know what I was thinking signing up for 5 classes, but here we are. I haven't had much time to spend tending the blog. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to have gone feral in my absence. But I'm delighted to say that I haven't been entirely quiet on the hobby front.

Look at all the goodies!
My Stonehaven Kickstarter Gnomes arrived on Friday, and I must say I am quite pleased with them. They are much tinier than the Dwarves (as one might expect), so I will definitely need some real patience when working on them. All told, the Kickstarter gave me about 40 Gnome miniatures, plus a lot of extra goodies like familiars, Gnome children, rats, a scroll, and many other little fun accessories.

In the back of that photo, towering over everything else, are two lovely trolls! The one on the right, with the club, was a part of the Dwarven Kickstarter, but in my infinite silliness, I did not order one then. Thankfully, they had a few extras and I was able to order one during the Gnome Kickstarter. The troll from the Gnome set is my WIP Wednesday for this week. I will, hopefully, finish him this evening.

Menacing, isn't he?
This weekend I took a little "me" time which included working on him. I'm very happy with how his skin turned out. I just need to finish up the last few things on him and then he'll be all set to terrorize a merry band of Gnomes. If you like their Gnomes or the Dwarves (I sure do) they are doing another Kickstarter soon which, rumor has it, will consist of Elves.

I do also owe you a final post on my completed Space Wolf army (with nice, fancy pictures) as well as an additional post related to the NOVA Open that I never really got around to doing. There's a dozen things I could write about, but I just don't have all the time I need to take photos and write up the posts.

One class is ending next week, so hopefully that will free up enough time for me to get back in the swing of things here.