As I mentioned in my previous post, just I picked up the digital edition of Codex: Blood Angels and the rumors (or rumours if you prefer) on vanguard veterans, glaive encarmines, and the Storm Raven were debunked.
Well, I had some time to look at this more and it looks like there is some conflicting information in different sections in the iBook as well as a change to Mephiston that would make him rock even more.
More after the break.
First off, looks like there are two profiles for the Stormraven. One has Skies of Fury and doesn't have Deep Strike, and the other one has Skies of Blood and keeps Deep Strike. I would assume the Skies of Fury no Deep Strike listing is the correct one and this was just an oversight. Not like losing Deep Strike wasn't a big deal anyway…
Hopefully this gets updated soon and these issues get fixed. I posted a question on the Games Workshop: Digital Edition page on Facebook, but I haven't received a response. When I do, I'll edit this post.
Till next time,
–The Harrower