Space Hulk 3D Printed Terrain: Part 3 The Floor

 In Part 3, I work on modeling the floor.Alright. So I have my blockout done. I have a reference model in my scene to compare to when modeling and I have my grid set in Maya to help me model at the proper size. The settings were a pain to get right so...

Space Hulk 3D Printed Terrain: Part 2 Blockout

In the second part, I refine my idea bit further and create a blockout.The first part of doing any type of 3d modeling for me is a blockout. A blockout (or blockin or graybox) is used in the video game industry to determine if a level is playable and fun. Basic shapes...

Space Hulk 3D Printed Terrain

Like a lot of people, the original Space Hulk was my gateway into the world of miniature wargaming and Games Workshop and is still one of my all time favorite games. The 4th edition of Space Hulk was a great boxed game, but unfortunately didn't include 3D terrain. I...

Reivers Rules Leaked!

Greetings all! Apologies for the lack of updates. I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post. I am in the middle of moving to a new apartment and I did just have someone break into my online bank account, so I'm dealing with all of that. I did want to...