You knows, as much as we like to talk about war... fightin' and killin' isn't the only good thing in life, sure it's one of the best things I'd never say it twernt, but there is more to life, and when you're the king o' the tribe it's good to enjoy all the perks of the crown!  And one o' the best perks is impressing the ladies! 

Some of the goblin youth started snickering and cackling at this...

Oh fine, you laugh now, but when you have your eye on a sharp toothed lass and she fergets all about you because she sees a goblin ride by on a fierce black wolf, then yell regret laughing at me! 

Some of them perked up at this and shut their yaps.

Uh-huh, that's what I thought.  Already happened to some a you hasn't it?  You sloggin through the muckengunk, splattered and foul and some fancy gob is gettin all the attention accounta his wolf or thundering chariot.  Well just imagine how much the pretty red eyes will widen up if you swooped down on a green beauty like Spitter!  A wyvern is a dangerous monster of war, but don't forget all the other advantages a sweet ride can bring ya!  Why once I buzzed low over an elven village and damned if I didn't hear a whole mess of elf ladies shriek and squeel! Yeah that's right, I'm sure their hearts fluttered wondering what dashing young goblin could be in the saddle.  So don't you forget it...

Brokentooth's speech drifted off at this point, his eyes focused on a memory hovering about a foot before his face.  He didn't even notice that one of the young goblins made off with his lunch.


Brokentooth the Goblin King on his Wyvern, Spitter is finished.

This is one very big mini, and try as I might, I couldn't find a way to photo it without take a whole lot of photos, so hope you won't mind the pixel flood gates being opened... 

Click on any for a close up

Here we go:


So the first mini for the Brokentooth Tribe Goblin Army is finished.

Still to go: 300+ goblins & others ;)

More Mayhem to Follow...