Upon seeing the first 3D render of a Zee player the Shade Of Chaos commented that they reminded him of Marvin The Martian, so when I got my hands on some of these lovely sculpts I just had to paint them in a paint scheme inspired by the diminutive alien.

Having started painting them I managed to get a game in with the infamous Hendybadger against his Nameless team, just for fun we also added a giant to each of our teams. Hendybadger had the Nameless Spawn and I had the big ape him self, Alpha Simian. 
The Game ended in a draw but as we both managed to score a three point strike. The Zee are a much more complicated team to play than any I have yet used, getting the hang of going all out to foul is going to get some getting used to but having ten (or even more) players on the pitch at once is certainly fun and the 0-3 free coaching dice per are great if not a little unpredictable. I think im going to have some fun with these monkeys! 
WIP Zee team.

I have also been busy painting a human team for my eldest son and robots for my younger boy, both done in an alternate version of Mantic's official colour schemes.
Human team.

Robot team.

Lastly I gave my league winning Veer-myn team a bit of a face lift including a head swap for my star striker and giant mutated hand for my guard to represent his ability to handle the ball. 
Thats it for now but I will be back soon with more Warpath and the all new (and very shiny) Deadzone.
Star players of the Cheddar Gash.

P.s Here is a pic of my freshly painted league coin...

See ya.

Coming soon...
Warpath: The Dawn Guard.

Deadzone: Painting The Town GREEN!