Warhammer World have announced that they will be allowing Escalation and Stronghold in their events.

I can not express how sad this makes me. As readers of this blogg know, I have been a huge fan of TOS in the past. When they introduced the "best blow job" points, I stuck with it. When the introduced the crazy scoring system where the winner need not have won all 5 games, I stuck with it. When they ditched swiss paring, I stuck with it. But this is a step too far.

In the past I have likened TOS to an old Woody Allen joke. There is a scene where Woddy is trying to talk a beautiful woman into bed. She says to him " .. but sex with out love is an empty experience…", and Woody responds "…yes, but as empty experiences go, its one of the best".

In the past Ive taken the view that TOS is not a tournament,  it's a gaming weekend, but as gaming weekends go, its one of the best.

But now…..!

Here's the thing, to get to TOS, I need to drive for bout 4.5 hours and spend cash on 2 overnight stays. For that I get 5 games of 40k in awesome surroundings. Now the surroundings stay the same, but the games…..!

Without swiss pairing, the "quality" of the games you get is much reduced. Last time I was there I went 4-1. In my 4th game I played somebody who had lost all three previous games. In my last game I played somebody who had gone 1-3. Both games were pretty uneventful. I doubt my opponents had much fun either.

So, now as well as taking the risk that I will be mismatched, I also take the risk that I will play somebody with a superheavy. For fuck's sake! How stupid is that!

And what really pissed me off is that. last night I posted on Warhammer World's Facebook page, respectfully expressing my view that this was a step too far and I would not be coming back, and this morning I find my post has been deleted…..!

I'm so angry about that, I'm tempted to go to TofS and indulge in some civil disobedience!