Screens, and how to Beat them

As an army that predominantly deep strikes, and (worse) needs to charge from those deep strikes to really deal damage, I hate screens! However, if I'm to do well at the GT, I need to work out how to beat them so I can deliver Thunder Hammers to the Emperors...

Blood Angels List Review

My list for Dark Millenium was Blood Angles BattalionLemartesCaptain JumpSmash5 Scouts5 Scouts5 Scouts15 Death Company with 3 Thunder HammersGuard BrigadeCompany Commander (the CP Miner)Tempestor PrimeTempestor Prime5 Tempestor Scions, 2 Plasma Guns, 1 Plasma...

Dark Millenium 5

This was the 4th time I’ve been to DM (missed last year’s event, which clashed with the LVO). The event has really hit its stride with 50 people attending (filling the venue), and having a waiting list. The Rules pack was quite unique, with primary and secondary...

Blood Angels

So, Blood Angels.Long time followers of my blog (Hi Mum!!) will know I had a huge Blood Angels army back in 5th edition. Firstly I ran a full Jump Pack Descent of Angels army, and then a triple Stormraven army with added Dreadnoughts. However, at the end of 7th I sold...

Games Workshop Heat 2

After a very long drive (in snow and ice!!) I’m back from Heat 2 of the GW GT. I went 3-1-1, and came 9th out of 86, with 4 “best army” votes and 4 “favourite game” votes. really pleased about that.Usual format, brief battle reports, and then a wrap up at the end...