Once again my friend postponed our game "Space Wolves vs Tau" so I decided to write about something else.  Eldar and Dark Eldar have a powerful death star the Seer Council.  Today's post is about trying to beat the Seer Council with our Wolves.

So what is really the Seer Council.  The list that I have encounter is:

Eldar (Primary Detachment) :

+ HQ +

    * Farseer (x2)
       Singing spear
        * Eldar Jetbike

     * Warlock x6
         * Eldar Jetbike
            Singing spear(1)

+ Troops +

    * Dire Avengers (x4)
        5x Dire Avenger
        * Wave Serpent
            Holo-fields, Twin-linked scatter lasers

+ Heavy Support +

    * Wraithknight
        Two Heavy Wraithcannons

Dark Eldar (Allied Detachment) :

+ HQ +

Baron Sathonyx

+ Troops +

    * Kabalite Warriors(x2)
        * 5x Kabalite Warrior
        * Venom
            Grisly Trophies

What makes this list so powerful? Every unit in this list has a specific role.  Lets see what everything does:

 4 Dire Avengers & Wave Serpent; the classic troop choice for the Eldar.

 One wraithknight; just to have someone with S10 and T8 to take the heat.

 2 Kabalite Warriors; more cheap troops for the list. 

 2 Venoms with Grisly Trophies; to re-roll leadership tests so as to re-roll psychic powers. 

 2 Farseer & 5 Warlocks; to buff themselves with psychic powers, such as +1 to armour or fortune, that make the Seer Council powerful.

 Lastly, the most important model in the army, Baron Sathonyx.  He has a ++2 re-rollable, defensive and offensive grenades, Stealth, +1 to your roll for determining who goes first, and most importantly Hit and Run.

 So we have a unit/death star around 600p that moves 12", has 5 psychic powers from the Rune of Battle table and can choose 6 more psychic powers from Divination, Telepathy or the Rune of Fate.  All of them with armourbane and fleshbane, so +2 to wound/penetrate. With a great possibility to get +2 armour with re-roll and +2 cover. They assault, they kill and if the enemy survives or the battle doesn't go well, it has the option to Hit and Run.  The perfect death star to win (almost) everything.

Can Space wolves win this list and overcome the power of the Seer Council?
The answer is... Runic Weapon.  The +4 psychic power nullifier. All Space Wolves (must) have a Rune Priest in their list. This is where the solution on how to win the Seer Council lies. By cutting their psychic powers you have the opportunity to hit and cripple the Seer Council, without their psychic powers buffs.

Take note that who plays first is of great importance. If the Seer Council doesn't get the opportunity to activate their buffs, a Wolf's list with a strong first strike can take out the Council. Else if you play second, you have to protect your units that can damage the Council - by screening them with other units; e.g. Grey Hunters - and wait your Rune Priest to do his tricks. 

Even if you take out the Seer Council in the first turn, the game hasn't ended yet. The Eldar/Dark Eldar army has enough firepower from the Wave Serpent. So with the first chance you get destroy the Council. Your second target is the Wave Serpents. This concludes the first instalment of my "How to Win the" series. 

Until next time remember Prospero and…