Thanks to Sam for pointing out the error in my last list (need to make Khan the Warlord to give the bikes Scout). It has made me think again about whether he’s worth it. I’ve hummed and hawed (good Scottish expression!), and I’ve decided not to. I want to see if the list works without Scout.

There are a number of reasons – I want to see if my theory hammer on how to play Stalkers works, and that depends on Iron Hands being the Primary. Also, I like having the Inquisitor as my Warlord, allowing me to “throw away” the Chapter Masters. Finally, Khan is pretty pathetic for everything else, other than scout.

So here’s the list as submitted

Iron Hands Primary

Chapter Master, Bike, Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Lightening Claw.

5 Scouts with Land Speeder Storm
5 Scouts with Land Speeder Storm

Thunder Fire Cannon
Thunder Fire Cannon

White Scars Allies

Chapter Master, Bike, Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Lightening Claw

Bike Squad. 8 bikes plus an MM Attack Bike, with 2 Grav Guns and a Combi Grav + Melta Bombs on the Sargent.
Bike Squad. 8 bikes plus an MM Attack Bike, with 2 Grav Guns and a Combi Grav + Melta Bombs on the Sargent.


Inquisitorial Detachment

Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor, Psyloccum, Psyker, Psychic Communion, Three Servo Skulls (Warlord)
Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor, Psyker, Psychic Communion

So pretty much the same as the last list, but swapping the Khan for another Chapter Master. The question is whether the extra punch of the 2nd CM is worth giving up Scout.

I also like the thought of going first and dropping 2 orbital bombardments and 8 thunder fire shells on a Screamer Council  … at BS10 …. with rerolls from prescience! That would make me smile (of course it will never happen – a clever opponent could avoid this reasonably easily, but the thought of it still makes me smile).

The other thing I’ve been thinking about are the Land Speeder Storms. The more I think about these the more possibilities I see. The cerebus launcher for example. It has the blind special rule, which is all well and good, but your target need to fail an initiative test, which of course most armies will pass. However, if you hit the unit with a grav weapon first, concussive makes then initiative 1.

So a nice combo would be to drive up with a bike squad, hit the unit with a grav gun or 2, and then hit them with the Cerebus Launcher, before charging in with bikes and/or Scouts. Now these things are all very well in theory, pulling them off on the table top is another thing altogether. Fun trying though!

So, a (very) experimental list. I’ll get 7 games at the weekend to try and figure out if it works. I’m treating this tourney as a bit of a trial run for Dark Millenium at the end of February. If this list is fun/works, then I’ll probably take my bikes to Dark Millenium. If not, then I might fall back on my Tau.

Battle Reports incoming.