Progress indeed. We have been working on Aetherium for two years now. A lot has happened in that time. A. Lot. One of the greatest pleasures I have enjoyed in these past two years has undoubtedly been watching the evolution of a small, vulnerable idea as it becomes manifest in a grand and ambitious way.
In other words, I have enjoyed myself beyond reckoning while watching ideas like this:
Become this:
Become this:
You like? Come get a free prototype at AdeptiCon. We are boldly pushing forward. In a matter of mere weeks, we will be bringing an entirely new game-universe to the world. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man.
From the word go, we have been aiming to make a top-tier game – we have been building this world quite literally from the ground up. The game is absolutely smashing through Beta playtesting. We have over 40 beautiful miniatures in the range and we are refining our process every single day. The idea is that by the time this reaches you (yes you), we will bring a highly evolved and progressive game to the table. Dare I say it… ?
…p.s. those of you attending AdeptiCon will enjoy a unique opportunity to get not only an advanced copy of this miniature, but also quite a few others. Tremendousness.
ART: Heath Foley
SCULPT: Tim Barry and Michael Jenkins
CASTING: Ed Fortae