Six days.
In the run-up both to AdeptiCon and to the launch of our AETHERIUM KICKSTARTER (heyo!), we have been working without pause.
Of course, we are not alone. Particular gratitude for Ed over at Troll Forged Miniatures, who has made an extraordinary and superlative effort to ensure that we have all the prototypes to present a proper representation at the convention, and to give away free stuff.
Selected here are a few very cool photos of the wheels getting assembled and broken down. Each of these minis will be available in the AdeptiCon giveaway. As you can see, there's a lot. Please come by the Harry Caray ballroom to collect yours.
For those of you not able to make the convention, no worries. We are working very hard to pack as many goodies into the Kickstarter as a small new company can.
…Including this cool new mini. Thanks to Tim Barry who created this very cool Kickstarter Exclusive miniature.
Be sure to come check that out that Kickstarter in only six more days.