
Hey folks, I wanted to list some highlights of the weekend's game night at the FLGS. In a nutshell, my GF's Fem Fa'Tau have came of age. Sure she's been playing on her own for awhile now, had some wins, etc. She's no longer always needing to know what is what and what needs what roll to hit/wound/save. Various enemies are still a mystery, but that's the case for all of us who can't afford EVERY $50 dollar book out there.

So how did this come about you ask? Well, in a 1750 point slugfest vs our friend Scott's DA with allied GK, she pulled out a quite convincing win. A win from a game of all sorts of raucous commotion, fist pumping and arms in the air, hooting and hollaring (and her 'Ms. Olymipa' pose at one point). lol, as games were ending everyone was clustering around their table to see what all the roar was about.

Whilst a lone charging DW Termie was pulled down in HTH combat by a squad of fire warriors needs to be mentioned...if there was an MVP of her force, it was her Tau Commander. Outfitted with everything but an onager gauntlet yet the kitchen sink, the Commander clocked in at just over 200 points, and paid for herself in spades! Over the course of the battle the commander took out: Belial (also in HTH) which was followed immediately by Scott's stepson saying (quote): 'you killed his favorite model'. She also gunned down a contemptor dreadnought, gunned down the GK commander, he was a special character, Crowe I think, as well as several other marines of various types and affiliations...

Um, yeah. I seriously doubt there will be anymore of the 'go easy on her' thoughts out there, as instead the Fem Fa'Tau and their commander (both on the table and the one rolling the dice) has forcibly staked her claim as a 40k player. OR, as Scott's stepson put it:

"You've gone from Tau Player to Belial Slayer."

lol, nice!