I got a game in with my friend RTVoril this past weekend, he was using Dark Eldar whilst I had Exodites and Eldar Corsairs. We played on the FLGS' new ice world table and thus the Doom of Mymeara it was!
1500 points, 'Tau deployment', Relic mission, I think I went first, but it was night-fight so my shooting was entirely ineffectual aside from killing some mandrakes who popped up behind my lines. The following are a few pics of the game, mostly taken by
Neverness (thanks by the way!).
The wall of the 'soon-to-be-martyred'. (Kushial can be seen in the background in the blue shirt). |
Despite having killed off both squads of Mandrakes, and 'Supafly' deep striking in, the Exodite battle line is suddenly thrown into disarray... |
These brightly colored fuckers are why. Repeatedly flying over head, decapitating the unwary in the process! |
Such a DE pretty force isn't it! A Corsair Vyper deep struck into the backfield hoping no one would notice. Then the gunner opened up (killing nothing, WTF?!?!) and, well...they were 'noticed'. In short: Vyper go boom. |
Deep striking and scattering badly, the Corsairs landed with their backs to the wall (literally). Inconveniently, they were right where they couldn't see the squad on the balcony. A few made it to the Relic, before dying to massed splinter fire. |
The combination of cover+Conceal and Embolden allow the Exodites to secure the relic repeatedly. However they're (also repeatedly) gunned down like their Corsair allies before them. At this point I dubbed these ruins: 'the Alamo'. |
Technically I won, Warlord and 1st blood (thank you Mandrakes), vs. the DE getting Warlord only. As usual anyone foolish enough (me) to pick up the relic was summarily slaughtered...so, while I did win, it was a pyrrhic victory at best. I had a mere 5 models left, and would have been tabled (easily) had the game gone one more round. In short, the DE kicked the ever-loving-shit out of my Exodites and Corsairs! We had fun though, so it was a good time!