Games Workshop has put up a preview of the 7th Edition 40K trio of books on Apple's iBooks. While the preview is exactly 50 pages with a slick layout and absolutely stunning photography, there are no new spoilers to see as far as the rules are concerned. Unfortunately, it looks like they learned their lesson after the High Elves debacle.

More info and a link to the full PDF after the break.

I've looked through everything and the only thing that stood out to me was the Chaos Terminators. I'm not saying they are new models (I don't know Chaos that well), but they look a lot better than I remember. If there are any heretics reading this maybe they can shed some light (darkness?) on that.

There is a page of Blood Angels featured, but it is all models we have seen before. Still praying to Sanguinius that the rumors of a Blood Angels Codex aren't tosh.

You can download the PDF here. If any eagle eyes out there spot a new model or something I missed, drop it in the comments below.

Till next time,
–The Harrower