
Those poor Orks. Even when one is offered for free, there's still hardly anyone who wants them. That or few people read thru to the end of my prior post (the most-likely case). Nonetheless, thank you for the congratulatory remarks, and of the three who left one, Greg Hess (a.k.a.: Greggles) won my drawing for Masta Blasta. I've already emailed you Greg on your google page, and await your mailing info.

Whilst the lack of comments would seem like something of a poor showing for my 500th post, that really isn't the case. Indeed, as you can see below, last Thursday's post is already my 2nd highest in terms of page hits over the life of the blog!


A such, I'm quite pleased with that. Anyways, I can assure you that this coming Thursday I'll go back to my regular scheduled programming.