
All purchased over a decade or so...
I love Heavy Gear's universe and it's miniatures. Both make up a good combination of hard science fiction and giant stompy robots! However one thing I don't like are Heavy Gear Blitz's rules. Thru its various incarnations, its been simplified to some extent. However over the course of the game's evolution it has gone from needlessly over-thought and pointlessly complex (the starting point) to the current state of: I think I'm getting  a migraine...yeah, I'm done.

Good sales pitch eh? 

I have no idea on the RPG system as I've never played it, but its probably no better. However the source books are all good reads and I've read damned near all of them! In fact I own damned near all of them...or at least I did till I shipped them all out via Fedex last Friday. Noble Knight Games, which is one of my sources of non-GW minis (most notably my Grymn), excepts trade-ins, and after perusing my inventory via an emailed list and photos, I'm getting an amazing credit of $130 for them! Holy crap! I figured I'd be offered something like $20-$50 at most! They even covered the shipping costs!

Unsurprisingly,  it didn't take very long (oh...about 30 minutes) to figure out how to spend that $130 on their website! That being a new X-Wing battle-mat, Cards Against Humanity (Wolfy's been wanting that for quite awhile), and a bunch of CBT terrain so I can trash the now mostly shot-to-hell paper buildings (there were many casualties when one of our kitties jumped into the open storage box!). I still have a half dozen Gear minis left, just in case the next incarnation of Heavy Gear Blitz, which is currently in beta testing, is more fun than all of the earlier ones (and it better improve by a wide margin!).

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to ransack our bookcases again...