I wanted to try out something completely different tonight. Basically I wanted to play the BullyBoyz in just 1650pts with 3 battlewagons.
This took some doing, for sure.
After the 15 meganobz with wagons there is less then 650pts left. I couldn't really get in a sold CAD or Ork Horde, so I dug through formations to find something useful. And I found it.
After I had filled out the formation I had a few points left over, just enough for a bare minimum CAD.
This is the list I will play tonight:
Formation: Mogrok's Bossboys (The Red Waggh)
Big Mek (warlord)
Big Mek
Big Mek
-Lucky Stick
-level 2
Formation: Ghazghkull's Bully Boyz (Waggh Ghazghkull)
5 Meganobz
-1x Killsaws
Battlewagon, Ram, big shoota
5 Meganobz
-1x Killsaws
Battlewagon, Ram, big shoota
5 Meganobz
-1x Killsaws
Battlewagon, Ram, big shoota
Detachment: Combined arms
HQ: Painboy
HQ: Painboy
Troop: 10 grots
Troop: 10 grots
This will be the fastest deployment ever for me!
Abandon the old force org. All hail the new formations!
by Sorien | Apr 22, 2015