...or rather, not impossible.

Well okay, this mess was impossible...

I made a list (with the above witty title) for this past weekend of my usual array of shitty pilots, and it is as follows:

• Tarn Mison, R7 Astromech

• Bandit Squadron Pilot (no upgrades)

• Gold Squadron Pilot, BLT Title, Auto-Blaster Turret, R2 Astromech

• Gold Squadron Pilot, BLT Title, Auto-Blaster Turret, R2 Astromech

• Gold Squadron Pilot, BLT Title, Auto-Blaster Turret, R2 Astromech

Totaling 100 points. 

I figured I'd take some shit for the auto-blaster turrets as I used to bitch about Kushial always taking them...and, I did. Auto-blaster turrets are (IMO) Phantom TIE insurance. Mike had a point when asking: How many Phantoms have you seen since their nerf? (okay, good point.) Well, they're also 3 points cheaper than an ion turret, so there ya go. Anyways, so what's my point in all this? I won all 3 games played!

Holy-shit Batman!

The first round (with no photos, sorry) was myself vs. Mike playing Wolfy's hit & Run scenario. Mike was running 2 HWK-290s (paired together) and forgot how slow they were, so it was easy to overload one side of the table and run away. Easy win.

Hrmm...I guess the Scum & Villainy didn't like my Rebels shooting their Z-95 in the back. Oops, wasn't apology enough either...
Round two, our buddy Scott joined in with Scum & Villainy running the same scenario. I won that as well, though only just barely and in all honesty I should have lost that round. Mike had a turn of mistaken maneuvering and all 3 TIE interceptors made a hard turn in the wrong direction. Boosts mitigated the distance damage a bit, but slowed him down just enough to allow me to escape the table first.

 Round 3 was myself teamed up with Scott running a pair of IG88s, vs. Mike running 200 points of Empire. The IG's took the lead and went after the TIE horde. Whereas my ships showed up late to the already developing slugfest and my entire squadron dumped into Mike's Decimator. His reply to this: Wow, you guys are going to take down my Decimator faster than the tournament guys did. I don't know if that's impressive or just sad.

Everybody will bump in 5, 4, 3...
...and ah yes, back to this mess.

You will note in the photo below that Tarn's X-Wing is waaaay far away from the clusterfuck as I also had a maneuvering error of my own which I tried to correct with a K-Turn. Thus he finished out the game just watching from afar.

Tarn aside, all attempts to fly out of this clusterfuck were futile.

lol, we soon took down the Decimator and a pair of Academy TIEs, and Mike called it quits as he was down almost 100 points (we hadn't lost anything yet), that and it was 11pm. Awesome.